Who should I hunt for as a 5 star for Act 6.2 Mr Sinister

Now I know Act 6.2 Mr Sinister is probably going to be nerfed soon but I’m really bored right now and I’ve been doing some saving up before I hit 6.2 and I wanna know who I should be hunting for to take this this really BS boss? I have enough for a featured 5 star crystal and an Incursion crystal so which Incursion crystal should I go for? I’ve already opened the Chais crystal so that won’t exactly be an option. So the options are possible Dr Doom, Possibly BW CV, Hulk Ragnarok, Corvus Glaive, Domino, Hyperion or Blade. I know there are probably other counters like Ghost with the Hood synergy but Ghost isn’t in the featured or in an incursion crystal.
Who should I hunt for as a 5 star for Act 6.2 Mr Sinister 18 votes
If you don't have heimdall then Hyperion is beast for for this fight.
Same goes for gulk you need heimdall synergy. To do normal damage.
Quake,Ghost,Warlock and CMM are other best options for this fight. CMM can easily solo that fight.
A 2nd dupe of my Gwenpool, yeah like that’s gonna help
A falcon, I highly doubt his buff soon is gonna make him poison and shock immune while also giving him a fury buff.