Awakening gem

UnidentifiedCreatureUnidentifiedCreature Member Posts: 589 ★★★
I'm currently trying to fully explore Act 4, and one of the rewards is a generic awakening gem. Who should I use it on? BTW, I don't have too many sig stones of any class.

Awakening gem 26 votes

Omega Red
ShafeeqspaceoctopusHedronStellanCaptainGameMercury79Batman_bruce31 7 votes
Iron Man IW
KennadoSouthfenceUnidentifiedCreaturePeaRatFlashSpideyQazzy 6 votes
Cull Obsidian
Invisible Woman
TimrosTheMailmann 2 votes
Doctor Voodoo
MagrailothosZombieZeddKill_GreyWoody15OmedennBlizzard28Lil_Lasagna 7 votes
Corvus Glaive
manveertherealBeekeeperDoctor_Strange19Agent_22 4 votes
Stealth Spidey


  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Doctor Voodoo
    Voodoo is gonna help out a ton in act 5! Only 1 sig needed and you've got the important core of his awakened ability.
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  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    edited July 2020
    Corvus Glaive
    Best character for act 5 hands down he carried me and my team but won’t use him for 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 and yes I have a rank 3 magneto that I can r4 if I want (I have 10 T2A)

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★
    Doctor Voodoo
    Corvus is already amazing and becomes slightly better in a few situations when he's Awakened.

    Voodoo is ho-hum and becomes amazing when he's Awakened.

    So, do you want one amazing champion, or two?
  • OmedennOmedenn Member Posts: 898 ★★★
    Doctor Voodoo
    Dr Voodoo is a great champ, but you should really watch some youtube videos to learn how to use his signature ability!
  • ShafeeqShafeeq Member Posts: 569 ★★★
    Omega Red
    I say omega red he is somewhat helpful when awakened and his death spores deal higher damage and tentacle hits go unblockable 10 percent chance and based on sig level and for 4-star sig 1 you deal 121 damage per second.
  • ShafeeqShafeeq Member Posts: 569 ★★★
    Omega Red
    If it is doctor voodoo then
    He'll become a true God tier champ of mcoc. You can reduce ability accuracy by 50% on odd combos. Can convert any buff into poison through sp1. Can power control/drain through sp2. The higher voodoos Sig is the longer will be the buffs and debuffs. Plus regen at the start of the fight. These come only when he's awakened. Unawakened he's pretty much garbage. 100% worthy of generic.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Doctor Voodoo
    Shafeeq said:

    If it is doctor voodoo then
    He'll become a true God tier champ of mcoc. You can reduce ability accuracy by 50% on odd combos. Can convert any buff into poison through sp1. Can power control/drain through sp2. The higher voodoos Sig is the longer will be the buffs and debuffs. Plus regen at the start of the fight. These come only when he's awakened. Unawakened he's pretty much garbage. 100% worthy of generic.

    Well, the Regen is there whether unawakened or not. The chance to inflict poison or lower burn is also there.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Doctor Voodoo
    Honestly voodoo is a bit complicated to understand, but not too hard to use.
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