OG Ultron, Thanos and Kang Improvement Request

I recommend that OG Ultron, Thanos and Kang all be buffed. These are rare champs that typically require a great deal of effort to obtain. As such, it would seem fair and reasonable to have them be powerful champs with a lot of utility. However, they are all mediocre with very little use. For example, no one would choose to use OG Ultron if they had a 5* AoU Ultron.
For many players Kang and Thanos are very easy to beat as bosses. Additionally, I don't think improvements in champs should be based on their roles as bosses in events or AQ. These champions are extremely rare and often requires a great deal of time, money and skill to get. So it would seem that having them be at the top of the power pyramid makes sense. I do agree that for most players buffing OG Ultron, Kang and Thanos is not a priority but for the small group of players that it does effect - many of whom are elite players - I believe all of them would agree that making these champions more useful would be very welcomed. Exceptional effort should be rewarded.