Which character has the best special 3 animation?

Midnite93Midnite93 Member Posts: 4,180 ★★★★★
I know the game is down lol so I decided to make a fun poll. We all have witnessed sp3 animation of various characters and we all have our favorite sp3 animations. Which character has the most amazing special 3 animation according to you?

Which character has the best special 3 animation? 142 votes

Gwenpool - How the heck her cannon backfire?
Duke_SilverRamil0222 2 votes
Longshot - That banana peel coming out of nowhere and making the opponent slip
Sarvanga1_Fluffy_pawsArtic_Toweryodishika123LeejhonairkayzzcoMatteMitti 7 votes
Havok - He takes a punch & blasts you to lala land
Alex13369Warlord5386TheHoodedDormammuKill_Greyliving_legend_1VbnmeIcy000Agent_X_zzzGouthamJaguar 9 votes
Hyperion - He smashes you in the ground and flies above and comes down with a body slam
SpiderCoolsHedgedog387OhlinhoJelleYipeeKiYay1Schrodinger_sssZeuszeroAgent_22 8 votes
Black Widow(Clare Voyant) - She has a melodious laugh
DL864kapt_krunchSyndicatedMadhanHiphopMidnite93BahubaliAziz5253Mercury79TheMailmannMayisMrGreekDhruvshah 12 votes
Dr.Doom - He transports you to his castle and releases his tractor beam at you. How much costs have to go in his castle repairs?
F4k3_GaM3rSempaidavidStingerbkwallopDonnymeijDONZALOOG1234AgentDoom9UnidentifiedCreatureWRIRspaceoctopusHkfheartbreakid_22HomerthegoodXva23WaddaboutmeDylanphileRodomontade_BoiEtjamaArsozWolVErine_Amit 42 votes
Proxima Midnight - She makes you run from.her projectile then stabs you with her weapon
TaZ_4178ZisunYa_Boi_28Pybruh 4 votes
Thing - It's Clobbering time
Red_Guardian 1 vote
Silver surfer - He just lifts you by your head and slams you on the surface of the sun making it explode
Divyanshu910Nioc0124KDSuperFlash10JChanceH9MoeyTehrAdamanteBerserker22ZomagedonRU11011Etm34sandeep_26Doogie36MasterpuffShadyFreakDoctor_Strange19PathanSalarPrakhar_82RioSmith11_hbtygbty423_Aayush19 26 votes
Others - Anyone I was not able to add to the poll due to limited poll options it only allows 10 as the limit
Disbanded_pens18sae56nameplasSpicyslicerViper_DeLuxeYoMovesImranMadooriCDrDeadpoolAgentNutzNZShafeeqMoosetiptronicUltimateFuriousZombieZeddDenzel116Iron_Patriot_is_litBenQcSlayerDnegrin6969ILLUSION8Pyrda 31 votes


  • AdamanteAdamante Member Posts: 23
    Silver surfer - He just lifts you by your head and slams you on the surface of the sun making it explode
    Just because this is a reference to Joe Satriani's Surfing With The Alien album. >:)
  • PlinkoPlinko Member Posts: 173 ★★
    edited July 2020
    Dr.Doom - He transports you to his castle and releases his tractor beam at you. How much costs have to go in his castle repairs?
    Dr Doom tying down somebody to a roof and blasting them with a Kamehameha gives me those satisfied feels
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    Others - Anyone I was not able to add to the poll due to limited poll options it only allows 10 as the limit
    Venom The Duck-taunt your opponent into an attack and mfn eat them for breakfast
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Gwenpool - How the heck her cannon backfire?
    King Groot
  • ILLUSION8ILLUSION8 Member Posts: 244
    Others - Anyone I was not able to add to the poll due to limited poll options it only allows 10 as the limit
    Domino.I've hit hundreds if not thousands of these and I'm not sick of it yet.
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  • Iron_Patriot_is_litIron_Patriot_is_lit Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    Others - Anyone I was not able to add to the poll due to limited poll options it only allows 10 as the limit
    Mister Sinister. That’s one terrifying glare, only to toss you up in the air like pizza dough and shoot the target down like the pest they are.
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  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★★
    Silver surfer - He just lifts you by your head and slams you on the surface of the sun making it explode
    Surfer all day. He takes you to a freaking sun and blows you up. It can’t get any better than that.
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  • wallopwallop Member Posts: 16
    Dr.Doom - He transports you to his castle and releases his tractor beam at you. How much costs have to go in his castle repairs?
    love doom's SP3
  • Roman4544Roman4544 Member Posts: 85
    Others - Anyone I was not able to add to the poll due to limited poll options it only allows 10 as the limit
    Kingpin and Joe Fixit
  • manan_44manan_44 Member Posts: 654 ★★★
    Silver surfer - He just lifts you by your head and slams you on the surface of the sun making it explode
    Namor feeds you to his eels and then stabs and throws you with his giant fork
  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    He litterally smashes you in to a sun, nothing more brutal than that
  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    Others - Anyone I was not able to add to the poll due to limited poll options it only allows 10 as the limit
    The Champion Showboating!
  • Moot4LifeMoot4Life Member Posts: 2,132 ★★★★
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  • Disbanded_pensDisbanded_pens Member Posts: 182
    Others - Anyone I was not able to add to the poll due to limited poll options it only allows 10 as the limit
    StormPX, Hulkbuster and Stealthy are all decent.
  • DrDeadpoolDrDeadpool Member Posts: 170 ★★
    Others - Anyone I was not able to add to the poll due to limited poll options it only allows 10 as the limit
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