5* Rank up recommendations

I have four 5* champs to rank up from 3 to 4 level. None of them are duped and i would need it for defense AW. Occasionally for attack
Which one would you recommend me to rank up first.
Ebony Maw
Simbiote Supreme
Invisible woman
Green goblin
Which one would you recommend me to rank up first.
Ebony Maw
Simbiote Supreme
Invisible woman
Green goblin
But I suggest to wait for better champs. Pushing to r4 is risky with only 4 5* champs.
For AW defense Invisible woman(duped) and green Goblin will do, but don't rank them to 4.
I have more 5* . My best are at R4 but not ready to rank 5.
I have only these mentioned able to rank 4. I also have a quake at R2 ready to R3