6.2 champion best counter in your opinion?

Almost to the Champion fight in 6.2 and i have sym supreme and longshot. Who did you use and why do you think they are such a great champ to use

6.2 champion best counter in your opinion? 23 votes

Symbiote Supreme
JestressNightCrackerDilloneousJMORG1111KDSuperFlash10monomugg 6 votes
Dr. Doom
Jim0172Ciciliatotio_espectroHilbert_unbeatable2Rayaan_2000 5 votes
Claire Voyant
CarlitobenazMrGreek 2 votes
Cap Infinity war
The_Blue_JaguarLpirnie5321FenicoPřìņče01walkerdogK384 6 votes
A champion who is not listed here
DjinUmbertoDelRioHoodie25Nightskye_44 4 votes


  • The_Blue_JaguarThe_Blue_Jaguar Member Posts: 255 ★★
    Cap Infinity war
    It can be done with anyone if you play perfectly, but Cap’s high block proficiency makes him the best of the best, at least for the last 10%. Shulk is MVP for the first 90 imo.
  • Hoodie25Hoodie25 Member Posts: 312 ★★★
    A champion who is not listed here
    I just beat The Champion for the first time a few days ago, and She-Hulk was an absolute MVP. Once you get the hang of the rotation, she can easily keep him slowed and stuck in the corner, making the fight much more manageable. She-Hulk isn’t limited to the 90 percent phase either (although she is really good for that). She excels in the dark match phase too - all you have to do is alternate between dexing his L1’s and punishing them with a heavy to keep up the slow debuff. If you play your cards right, once you get him in the corner, you won’t ever have to take any hits on your block, which is huge. The only real requirement is that you have to be able to land a lot of stand up intercepts, but since he plays very aggressive it isn’t too difficult.
  • CiciliatoCiciliato Member Posts: 302
    Dr. Doom
    First time I did with Hood and explored with Doom. For your options, my choice is Symb
  • DjinDjin Member Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★
    A champion who is not listed here
    Sorcerer Supreme

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