Nick fury bug
So I have recently discovered a bug that some people are taking advantage on for the nick fury fights. He is known to be a great defender in aw and event quests and there is a way to kill him a lot easier and quicker than how he is made to be. If you enter the fight and as soon as it begins you can exit the app and then go back into the app and it launches you back into the fight, but with nick fury it puts him at his second life so you don’t have to worry about his first life. This allows people to take a lot less damage in these fights and can be a huge reason why certain alliances win an aw match. Nick fury is widely used for a boss defender in aw and this can be cheated and leave alliances at an unfair loss. I was hoping you guys could fix this bug because I wanted to help you make this game a better game instead of taking advantage of it myself. Thank you
As you can see here I have done the glitch and used dr voodoo to show you that his regeneration in the beginning of each match is still activated and how nick fury has his 2 life activated which shows that this glitch works.