Bro rankup venom r5 shehulk r5 and you have vision arkush bwcv x23 ghostrider hamdell and invisible women try to rankup these too and you have namor as MVP you can became uncollected go for it.... Tips... @Take boosts while on run... @Take extra units and revives... @Always store battlechip so when you got stuck you can pull some units from there... @try to take hamdell in your list he has pretty usefull synergy...that make you alive at last point... @take venom for collector he was really usefull he has true strike ability which make evade and tentic cancle with special attack you can give him an unblockable sp and his bleed is awsome too even 4* are worthy too... @for bane node 5.2.5_5.2.6 try to take unblockable sp champ so you can throw on time or watch dork lesson video on YouTube he explained pretty well the gameplay.... @for 5.2.4 take champ who can deal more and more damage and healblock champs like proxima midnight couse she block the healing and cancle the annoying regen of 5.2.4... @be uncollected couse it's easy then upcomming chapters...
Bro rankup venom r5 shehulk r5 and you have vision arkush bwcv x23 ghostrider hamdell and invisible women try to rankup these too and you have namor as MVP you can became uncollected go for it.... Tips... @Take boosts while on run... @Take extra units and revives... @Always store battlechip so when you got stuck you can pull some units from there... @try to take hamdell in your list he has pretty usefull synergy...that make you alive at last point... @take venom for collector he was really usefull he has true strike ability which make evade and tentic cancle with special attack you can give him an unblockable sp and his bleed is awsome too even 4* are worthy too... @for bane node 5.2.5_5.2.6 try to take unblockable sp champ so you can throw on time or watch dork lesson video on YouTube he explained pretty well the gameplay.... @for 5.2.4 take champ who can deal more and more damage and healblock champs like proxima midnight couse she block the healing and cancle the annoying regen of 5.2.4... @be uncollected couse it's easy then upcomming chapters...
@Take boosts while on run...
@Take extra units and revives...
@Always store battlechip so when you got
stuck you can pull some units from there...
@try to take hamdell in your list he has
pretty usefull synergy...that make you alive
at last point...
@take venom for collector he was really
usefull he has true strike ability which make evade and tentic cancle with special attack you can give him an unblockable sp and his bleed is awsome too even 4* are worthy too...
@for bane node 5.2.5_5.2.6 try to take unblockable sp champ so you can throw on time or watch dork lesson video on YouTube he explained pretty well the gameplay....
@for 5.2.4 take champ who can deal more and more damage and healblock champs like proxima midnight couse she block the healing and cancle the annoying regen of 5.2.4...
@be uncollected couse it's easy then upcomming chapters...