Just a little request for compensation.

Can you guys make the number of units the same for everyone conquer-cavalier? I’m currently one 5.2.6 and am grinding. You guys in forums can hate on me all you want for saying “but endgame players have such more difficult content” and I’ll understand why. But you guys all know that the collector takes an adverse of 1k units with lot of free crystals. I want to get uncollected by August and it will be a pain to hoard when I only have 300 units and 10 free crystals. I know I’m being kind of greedy but it’s not like I’m requesting for like shards or anything else I just want units. I left out act 1-3 because it’s very easy to get through and no hard content. All I’m asking for is a good amount of units.
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Also the collector doesn’t take 1000 units. Who are you using? Even with a bad account back in the day I ran through him with less than 1000 units for 100%. A few runs took just one revive. A few took a few team.
1) receive equal compensation, Conq to Cav, at 500 units
2) receive 750 units, but know that Cavs got 1,000
Seems that getting what you need should be more important to you than what other got.
ps - I'm mad at you for making me parent on the weekend
The people that got to UC and Cav made the same investment you are about to do.
This is like trying to buy a house in a nice neighbourhood and asking for the lot price, just because u want to live in a better area. Work for your units, either grind or break out the CC.