First R5

Dnegrin6969Dnegrin6969 Member Posts: 253 ★★
So i have a few paths to go in exploration of act 5 and I wanna go for cav straight after or do v 3 and 4. Here are my options. (I am one mutant cc away and 3 mystic cc away)

First R5 43 votes

FastfishRekferenceF4k3_GaM3rWarlord5386GoddessIliasPlagueisBaneAleorCiciliatoX_Factor_AgentAkkarin23-sixate-Giodood_1Chewie420MephistoA_Cay47 15 votes
SiddhantKwatraDenzel116KRANꓘArsozZensolodabombHoodie25 6 votes
Parth_kashyapMoot4LifeReferenceStrikerrx8Scopeotoe987KDSuperFlash10JChanceH9GIDAMASTERHedronThicco_ModePřìņče01Papicante1BoostergoldrulzMathgeekNEIDER11Lioz178Crcrcrc 17 votes
Juan3sKhaoticl0ki 2 votes
Rank 4 g99
Samuel030sUncleHategulia902 3 votes
Other rank up options


  • SuperiorSymbioteSuperiorSymbiote Member Posts: 1,862 ★★★★★
    Eeeeeeesh.... these are some thought choices I’d go Hyperion or AA though.
  • MathgeekMathgeek Member Posts: 609 ★★★
    If you run suicides omega. If not then AA or hype or g99
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Considering you want to do cav, your best option for the 6.1.5 Crossbones (hardest fight in Act 6.1) is Omega Red. He will absolutely melt through that Crossbones.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    you need a double immune for some tough fights. aa also melted people for me
  • ZensolodabombZensolodabomb Member Posts: 15
    Bwcv is the way to go she has got triple immunities and has regen burst and power steal
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    I still use Hyperion for a lot of stuff. If you run suicides Omega would be better. Can make a case for Claire too.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Hyperion — based on pi I don't think you run suicides. And he'll help you a lot further in act 6 and overall in content. He can do so much things. Sps intercept, armour break, stun, dot, decent damage overall... Even if there is smth like buffet, you can just get to sp3, and his cosmic charges will increase your attack and block, so all you need to do is fight it like a usual buffet node. If you know how to use him, you can do most of fights with him imo. He is my mvp since I got him as a 4*.
    And he's still not available as a 6*. If you pull 6* bwcv, you'd probably prefer to go with her over 5*. She's a decent path clearer for act 6.
    Omega is ok, but imo without suicides he's not good enough
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