Where is our rank down tickets to adjust to new AW map???

We've based our rankups around the old AW map because they went with the nodes in the map. Now they are not strong on the nodes you gave us in the new map and have no purpose in questing or defence. This makes no sense to make us start from scratch with the new nodes and expect us to all have the same t4's we used to rank up the other defenders. We no longer have the same defensive power and I ran out of gold and ISO for any more rankups for my defence. if you guys made an announcement maybe 5 months earlier, I would have just saved all my resources to rank up for the new map. But you guys just threw it on us a week in advanced. I think a lot of people agree with this as well...
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Rank down tickets means you're about to get screwed or were just screwed. Stop asking for them.
And enough with RDT's threads
So it kinda was a nerf... If you say different then your not thinking about it the same way or as intelligent about it.
Instead of waiting for a Kabam handout, moving forward you should always hang on to some resources for when things like this happen, because they will happen again. This is nothing new, get over it and adjust.
Here's a post from our friend Kabam Miike with further details on the situation.
As this thread has been answered many times in previous ones, I'll be closing this particular one down.