firstly why do you buy so much that you have in overflow these boosts and sooooo many l4 potions? you only have yourself to blame.....
but secondly and most importantly what part of kabam saying "there has been many issues and once we fix them will will be looking into appropriate compensation do you not understand"
firstly why do you buy so much that you have in overflow these boosts and sooooo many l4 potions? you only have yourself to blame.....
but secondly and most importantly what part of kabam saying "there has been many issues and once we fix them will will be looking into appropriate compensation do you not understand"
Its so fun to blame others . Right? He had a problem he shared here so that mods can see it.
Not for players like you who just live to spread negativity on internet.
And for your info. Kabam have previously stopped the timer on resources to prevent them from expiring.
And in such time when game is having a problem. Its ok to request mods to look into it.
And as far as buying excess resources goes. Its called being prepared for alliance war season.
If store have less limit to store then its not players fault
You'd understand it if you were in higher tier and were a team player . Your comment shows you must be a leecher in your alliance.
If you can't be positive. Stay away from posts like this.
firstly why do you buy so much that you have in overflow these boosts and sooooo many l4 potions? you only have yourself to blame.....
but secondly and most importantly what part of kabam saying "there has been many issues and once we fix them will will be looking into appropriate compensation do you not understand"
Its so fun to blame others . Right? He had a problem he shared here so that mods can see it.
Not for players like you who just live to spread negativity on internet.
And for your info. Kabam have previously stopped the timer on resources to prevent them from expiring.
And in such time when game is having a problem. Its ok to request mods to look into it.
And as far as buying excess resources goes. Its called being prepared for alliance war season.
If store have less limit to store then its not players fault
You'd understand it if you were in higher tier and were a team player . Your comment shows you must be a leecher in your alliance.
If you can't be positive. Stay away from posts like this.
hey dude... as i said....
kabam have said they will be compensating.....
its fun for you to attack people isnt it..... you got no idea bout me or my alliance or anything so don't pretend you do. tell me seeing as though you know so much bout me. what tier am i in? what does my alliance do? what rating is my account? how long have i played for? how many allinces have i been in / led? how many hours a day do i play? you have no idea about any of the answers to any of these questions so don't assume you do. i never attacked anyone. you did. complain about someones attitude by attacking them with a poor toxic attitude doesnt really look good on you either.
its just annoying seeing so many posts demanding for and asking for compensation when kabam have already said they will be doing compensation.
firstly why do you buy so much that you have in overflow these boosts and sooooo many l4 potions? you only have yourself to blame.....
but secondly and most importantly what part of kabam saying "there has been many issues and once we fix them will will be looking into appropriate compensation do you not understand"
Its so fun to blame others . Right? He had a problem he shared here so that mods can see it.
Not for players like you who just live to spread negativity on internet.
And for your info. Kabam have previously stopped the timer on resources to prevent them from expiring.
And in such time when game is having a problem. Its ok to request mods to look into it.
And as far as buying excess resources goes. Its called being prepared for alliance war season.
If store have less limit to store then its not players fault
You'd understand it if you were in higher tier and were a team player . Your comment shows you must be a leecher in your alliance.
If you can't be positive. Stay away from posts like this.
hey dude... as i said....
kabam have said they will be compensating.....
its fun for you to attack people isnt it..... you got no idea bout me or my alliance or anything so don't pretend you do. tell me seeing as though you know so much bout me. what tier am i in? what does my alliance do? what rating is my account? how long have i played for? how many allinces have i been in / led? how many hours a day do i play? you have no idea about any of the answers to any of these questions so don't assume you do. i never attacked anyone. you did. complain about someones attitude by attacking them with a poor toxic attitude doesnt really look good on you either.
its just annoying seeing so many posts demanding for and asking for compensation when kabam have already said they will be doing compensation.
At no point didt the op aks for compensation either u read half of it he just said he wil like the bosst back not the same as compensation.
but compensation is all based on what has been lost..... a large part of compensation is replacing what was lost. and the rest is extra based on what was missed.
and as kabam have said they will compensate we just need to sit and wait, and see what they do. then if the compensation is too little and certain things have not been addressed we complain and ask for more. but until we see what is happening there is no need for posts like this cus this is exactly the sort of things that "should" be addressed in the compensation package. along side rewards lost due to missed arena, rewards lost due to missed wars.
you only have yourself to blame.....
but secondly and most importantly what part of kabam saying "there has been many issues and once we fix them will will be looking into appropriate compensation do you not understand"
He had a problem he shared here so that mods can see it.
Not for players like you who just live to spread negativity on internet.
And for your info. Kabam have previously stopped the timer on resources to prevent them from expiring.
And in such time when game is having a problem. Its ok to request mods to look into it.
And as far as buying excess resources goes. Its called being prepared for alliance war season.
If store have less limit to store then its not players fault
You'd understand it if you were in higher tier and were a team player . Your comment shows you must be a leecher in your alliance.
If you can't be positive. Stay away from posts like this.
hey dude... as i said....
kabam have said they will be compensating.....
its fun for you to attack people isnt it.....
you got no idea bout me or my alliance or anything so don't pretend you do.
tell me seeing as though you know so much bout me.
what tier am i in?
what does my alliance do?
what rating is my account?
how long have i played for?
how many allinces have i been in / led?
how many hours a day do i play?
you have no idea about any of the answers to any of these questions so don't assume you do.
i never attacked anyone. you did.
complain about someones attitude by attacking them with a poor toxic attitude doesnt really look good on you either.
its just annoying seeing so many posts demanding for and asking for compensation when kabam have already said they will be doing compensation.
a large part of compensation is replacing what was lost.
and the rest is extra based on what was missed.
and as kabam have said they will compensate we just need to sit and wait, and see what they do.
then if the compensation is too little and certain things have not been addressed we complain and ask for more.
but until we see what is happening there is no need for posts like this cus this is exactly the sort of things that "should" be addressed in the compensation package.
along side rewards lost due to missed arena, rewards lost due to missed wars.