Summoner showdown 2020 masteries

Dear @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
For the record, I am superrrrr excited about the summoner showdown and how it is open to every play level 60 and cavalier now.
However, I have some concerns, especially with masteries. Some cavalier players do not have suicide masteries and obviously, I believe this would be a big factor in the summoner showdown as the suicide masteries would greatly affect the DPS, Health left, damage inflicted of our champs. Like in the description of the summoner showdown, it is skill based (not whale or resources XD)
Do you think it would be a good idea for everyone to have the same mastery set up just for that quest exclusively?
So lets say when they join the quest, their masteries can only be parry, stupify, dexterity and block proficiency. Or, make a limit to the amount of masteries that are allowed to like 10-20 (I know its low).
If this will put too much strain on the server, perhaps make a format like the CCP program where the masteries are already taken off and how the set ups are free.
Thank you for your time
For the record, I am superrrrr excited about the summoner showdown and how it is open to every play level 60 and cavalier now.
However, I have some concerns, especially with masteries. Some cavalier players do not have suicide masteries and obviously, I believe this would be a big factor in the summoner showdown as the suicide masteries would greatly affect the DPS, Health left, damage inflicted of our champs. Like in the description of the summoner showdown, it is skill based (not whale or resources XD)
Do you think it would be a good idea for everyone to have the same mastery set up just for that quest exclusively?
So lets say when they join the quest, their masteries can only be parry, stupify, dexterity and block proficiency. Or, make a limit to the amount of masteries that are allowed to like 10-20 (I know its low).
If this will put too much strain on the server, perhaps make a format like the CCP program where the masteries are already taken off and how the set ups are free.
Thank you for your time
