Rank up time

Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 845 ★★★
Looking for my next rank up, not sure whether to rank 1 to r5/r2 or a couple to r4. Have plenty of resources to take from lower levels.

Top row - r5 5* and r2 6*
Blue to red - r4 5* and r1 6*
Red to yellow - r3 5*
Yellow to white - r2 5*
Below white - r1 5*
Thank you for your time.


  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,156 ★★★★★
    Youre lacking a maxed skill and mystic so either fury/aegon/ or doom
  • Nichj99Nichj99 Member Posts: 256 ★★
    I’d be focusing on 5* R5 over 6* R2 - the reduced cost of these will help you grow quicker for what is very similar in damage output.

    Aegon, CMM, Doom, Void & Fury should be your next focus. Maybe BWCV too.
  • KeriParkerKeriParker Member Posts: 54
    Go for the Aegon. If you havent tackled Lol yet. Then build up to rank up doom. He will help out alot in AoL
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★
    edited July 2020
    Nichj99 said:

    I’d be focusing on 5* R5 over 6* R2 - the reduced cost of these will help you grow quicker for what is very similar in damage output.

    Aegon, CMM, Doom, Void & Fury should be your next focus. Maybe BWCV too.

    Excellent point. I look at this and I'm reminded of my current situation. I have 5/65/200 Warlock and r1 6* Warlock and just picked up and naturally duped Captain Canada/White Guardian. Some call me crazy but I'm pushing all of my chips (resources) into White Guardian over 6* Warlock, for now, and coming back around to r2 Warlock later only because the cost to 5/65/200 White Guardian is cheaper and gives me a brand new weapon to use in order to get resources to r2 Warlock. All that said, In 2020, there are still circumstances where going 5/65 over r2 makes more sense. I'm at 20 r5s and still plan on doing a few more before finally fully investing in r2ing my 6*s that deserve the nod. Mainly the said Warlock along with CMM, Fury, Havok, and Venom.
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 845 ★★★
    Thank you everyone for the valuable information, im going to wait a little to see who the next 6* is (currently at 8k) and most likely go with either NF or Ægon
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