I took Colossus to Abyss instead of Ægon and this is what happened

AsIsGrassAsIsGrass Member Posts: 48
Recently I did a run in abyss with a team that consisted of Colossus, Omega Red, Symbiote supreme, and torch. Here’s what happened...

Prepared Items

Prepared units: 12,675 all grinded from arenas

Hoarded free 4 hr crystals: 194

Revives in stash: 53 including the 11 poutines everyone gets from logging in this month. The rest of the revives were found randomly when I did some act 6, monthly eq, and solo events

For 2 weeks straight, I grinded rol potions w/ colossus as if I was grinding arenas. Had about 550 of these potions in overflow


5* Sig 31 5/65 Colossus
5* Sig 80 5/65 Omega Red (not very useful but needed for colossus)
5* Sig 60 5/65 Symbiote Supreme
5* Sig 20 5/65 torch
5* Unawakened 5/65 Corvus


The most important masteries for me was maxed courage, maxed gc, 4/5 in md, and most definitely maxed limber. I only have 1 point in assassin which I feel is enough. I also only have 1 point in deep wounds which would have helped ss but i felt the 4/5 in md is more important for him since I was able to solo 2 fights w/ him

General Idea of Mastery Loadouts

Set up 1:
1. Full suicides
2. Maxed courage
3. 1/5 assassin
4. Maxed limber

Set up 2: (changed when against quake all the way to cull)
1. Maxed glass cannon
2. Maxed courage
3. 4/5 md
4. 1/5 deep wounds
5. 1/5 assassin
6. Maxed willpower
7. Maxed limber

Set up 3: (For collector)
1. Corvus legends run style set up (full suicides and cruelty and pierce)
2. Maxed limber
3. 1/5 assassin
4. No precision masteries

The Fights


I’m a huge fan of suicides and already had them on. At the start Corvus was used to get the evade charge (took off 9%), and omega took off 19%. Many people including myself believed colossus would suck for this fight but when practicing I found out u can actually use the sp3 instead of the sp2. Colossus’s sp2 is multiple hits and each hit has a high chance to proc thing’s protection significantly reducing ur damage output. What I did instead was heavy into sp3 when things protection was on cool down. Thing would trigger protection after the massive sp3 (takes off about 2-3%) so I decided to keep my suicides on. In 1 go w/ colossus, he took off 39%

Cost: 3 revives

Omega Red:

Colossus did amazing in this fight taking off 47% in 1 go. I still kept suicides on and threw sp2s with recoil since my plan was to do damage and then quit out in order to let Corvus get his mutant glaive charge. Revived Corvus when OR was down to 4%

Cost: 3 revives


This fight sucks w/ out nf or aegon since those aftershocks are really nasty and has a chance to stun u. Nf would be stun immune and I’d imagine this fight would be a lot smoother with him. I used colossus again here but played like garbage. I ate so many sp1s to the face and died quite a lot. Just had to plow through this fight with revives, did not have fun in this fight

Cost: 6 revives


Really straightforward and easy fight w/ Symbiote supreme. Second time I revived I ate her sp2 to the face like a noob and had to use my boi Corvus to finish the last 10%

Cost: 1 revive


Ez solo w/ torch and his prefight

Cost: nothing


Thank god this fight was fixed, I don’t think I would’ve attempted abyss if this fight was still bugged. Still, I screwed up a lot and md kept giving my ss too much power so I kept degening, no solo for me :(

Cost: 3 revives


Colossus did amazing in this fight, 61% in 1 go unboosted. Wasn’t able to ever throw his sp2 but the permanent armors from sp1 gave him the damage he needed. Corvus came in to steal the kill for his tech charge

Cost: 2 revives


Not too difficult of a fight, imo the boss in 6.3 is harder. I used torch before imiw got to his 15% phase where Corvus easily shut his pwr gain and got the final charge. Reparry game is strong in this fight

Cost: 3 revives

Joe Fixit

This fight sucked, by far the most costly and annoying fight
on my run. Colossus is not good for this fight due to the fate seal that will hurt his damage output same way it does for nf. I didn’t think about it at first and thought I could plow through it but another annoying thing was his chance to roll hearts and get a massive heal whenever I would revive. I had to quit out multiple times and decided to just power my way thru w/ torch. Ofc knowing my luck, he never rolled all 3 hearts again so I couldn’t heal reverse this fool

Cost: 8 revives


I want to slap whoever designed the ai for mordo 😡 I got a prefight back on torch after reviving him so many times from the last fight, tried to use it on this guy but mordo got an sp3 >:(
He was at 2 bars of pwr, came out of his pwr gain, never threw the sp2, and went back to power gain 🤦🏽‍♂️ I threw a heavy to get him out of it but it pushed him to an sp3 so I lost the prefight 😔 Not that hard of a fight tho, build smolders and go ham

Cost: 2 revives


Ez solo w/ ss cuz of 4/5 in md. Baited sp1s for him to activate his buffs and nullify them w/ sp3 dealing 2% on each one. Threw sp3s for 16 minutes straight

Cost: itemless baby


Pretty much used everyone here. I made a bit of a mistake and should’ve used colossus. I used torch and ss who were still alive and revived Corvus twice. Used 1 team revive and colossus took out 33% in 1 go. I should’ve revived him instead of Corvus since I thought Corvus w/ 4 charges would be good here but he did about 20% everytime.

Cost: 1 team revive and 2 revives


Straightforward ss fight

Cost: 2 revives


Straightforward ss fight. Fooled around a lot trying to practice sp1 dexes in case I ever wanted to explore 6.2.6

Cost: 2 revives


This fight takes a bit of getting used to. Colossus and Corvus worked well here, I played really sloppy at times and would forget which mode he was in. I had more trouble when he was in spreadshot mode since I couldn’t parry the sp1 beam very well and took a lot of chip. When I did parry the sp1 w/ colossus, it helps him gain armors. In this fight, I wished I healed to full so there would be more room for mistakes

Cost: 7 revives


Straight forward torch fight and a couple of slip ups. Just had to make sure my pwr bar was never empty

Cost: 3 revives


I could’ve tried to go for another ss solo but I was curious to see the skill aar reduction interaction w/ colossus. I revived him and what happens is he doesn’t get that passive fury from his heavy so I went back to throwing sp3s. Took off 62% in 1 go and finished him w/ ss. For ss, I was aware that I needed to back off before throwing an sp3 after throwing a combo. Really easy fight

Cost: 1 revive


This is the fight where I actually started using units. I used torch and had a better time going aggressive w/ sp1s instead of sp3s. This is also a much faster way to get rid of those annoying power stings. Iw’s sps helps build torch’s smolders and as long as torch had an incinerate on her, he wouldn’t get stunned. The sp3 triggers his nova flames which is actually something u don’t really want for this fight since u need to place active debuffs. Maxed willpower really helped out

Cost: 6 revives (40 units on the last revive 😭)

Cull Obsidian

Ez solo w/ ss. Same idea as vtd fight, bait sp1s for their buffs and nullify them w/ sp3 repeat

Cost: none

The Collector

I really don’t want to talk about this fight. I practiced on the collector quite a bit in 5.2.6 and was able to do the partial dex on the final parts of his sp2 and punish it. The strategy is to do MLLL hold block bait heavy when above a bar of pwr until an sp2 this way to avoid the sp1. However sometimes he threw the sp1 my instinct is to dash back which costed me quite a lot of deaths as well as the block damage and displacement thing. I killed off my team then turned on a legends run Corvus mastery loadout and went in w/ a 30% green boost and 12% cosmic pwr boost. This fight is frustrating but I got through with it

Cost: 37 revives >:(

Overall Cost

1685 Units (including mastery swaps)

95 Revives Spent

This run was surprisingly way cheaper than I expected. Honestly I was scared of abyss and brought over 12k units and had 57 revives in my stash. This was actually overkill since even after I completed the path, I still had rol potions in my stash. The abyss wasn’t as bad or hard as I thought it would be (path 1 at least) . This run costed 95 revives which if I had 0 in my stash, it would’ve costed me 3800 units but my overflowed items significantly reduced the cost. I’ve heard the average abyss run is 5k units and I’m really glad I went under it. Overall really happy with this run and very proud of my colossus. The collector ate most of those 1685 units up there


This was the most heartbreaking moment. From the 6*s I pulled 90’s cyclops and ultron 😭😭😭. The 5* I pulled og guillotine and for the t5cc I pulled mystic when I don’t even have a single mystic 6* in my roster. I pulled a mutant 6* ag which shouldn’t be used on any of the 6*s I have (Namor and the godly cyclops). Was really hoping to take a 6* to r3 but if I ever pull doom or Claire, they goin straight to r3

Final Thoughts on Path 1

The best part of abyss was preparing and planning on how to do it. I watched swedeah’s and munash’s run and they helped me get a feel of the abyss. Swedeah used star lord instead of Ægon and in perspective, colossus can dish out around the same numbers as star lord and the best thing about colossus is u could get hit and u won’t lose your damage. Since the beginning of June I was watching vids on all of the fights and knew exactly what to expect, except for the fights that I used colossus since I couldn’t find any vids w/ ppl actually using colossus for their run. Luckily I recorded all my colossus fights and will post them very soon for others to see colossus action in abyss

Completing this didn’t even come across my mind since I thought u absolutely NEEDED Ægon in order to do abyss. I was wrong and realized out of the 9 5/65s I had in my roster, 5 of them could actually make a run, and they made a good run. Imo, I feel like torch is the most important horseman since it’s hard to find a good substitute for what he does and he might’ve been the reason I made a relatively cheap run. I was already preparing for abyss when I was doing 6.4 but I didn’t have torch at the time. Originally I planned to rank up havok for mephisto but to my surprise, I pulled torch from the nexus from act 6 completion. It was a tough choice between ghost and torch, but I really needed him for abyss so I had to turn down ghost.

Some say the abyss is hard and skill based, I feel like it’s how well u prepared and most importantly how well u hoarded. I didn’t find any of the fights extremely difficult and would say it’s much easier than 6.3. In abyss, u could parry all u like but in 6.3, u cannot. It’s definitely going to cost more than 6.3 (6.3 actually costed me 2k) but for 6.3 I had to get on my toes and perfect the intercept game in order to avoid massive chip damage while in abyss, I was actually relaxed. I even used the toilet while fighting thing. The cyclops fight might’ve been the only fight that kept me on my toes. The reasonable attack values in abyss is what makes this content fair and enjoyable


ABSOLUTELY TAKE BREAKS. I took lots of breaks and didn’t actually finish abyss until the next morning. Me personally, I cannot sit still for 8 hours straight so I started abyss in one morning and finished it in the next. Do not play on an empty stomach, treat this as if ur preparing for a sports competition or marathon or something. I learned this the hard way when I did LOL. U always have to be in a clear and relaxed state of mind and don’t get frustrated. U will die a lot, but it’s not AW.

During this time, Brian Grant is grinding for Sasquatch but I noticed he has the same champs I have for my abyss run. If he doesn’t get Sasquatch I hope he sees this post and give abyss a shot w/ this team for path 1.

I hope this write up gives people who don’t have Ægon hope that they can still manage a cheap initial completion of abyss


  • AztecAztec Member Posts: 293 ★★
    This thread is so quiet cause just a few ppl could try abyss. I really appreciate what you have shared with us. thanks boi. hopefully, I could collect either colossus or aegon soon, cause now I only have HT Doom and NF. dont ask the other options cause my prestige only 8000. reading your story about first run of abyss makes me ambitious to hunt more for main damage dealer. thanks bud
  • Half_blood_PrinceHalf_blood_Prince Member Posts: 25
    Can u share colossus videos
    I’m excited to see him in abyss
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  • Disbanded_pensDisbanded_pens Member Posts: 182
    Great read, thanks for sharing this.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Great read! Sorry about the pulls though
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    Great run dude! Huge props
  • STARKtechSTARKtech Member Posts: 128
    edited July 2020
    im very sad that i couldn't even complete ROAD TO LABYRINTH OF LEGENDS.(struck at chapter 4)
    please someone help me i dont even have 4 5 stars and all my 4 stars are at 4rth rank

  • A_NAZA_NAZ Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    Great work mate, congrats. Farming as much as you did should warrant the abyss completions rewards in itself 😂
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Great write-up man! It really goes to show that you don't absolutely NEED any horseman for the abyss. Alternative teams can still work wonders for exploration!
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    By the way, I could use void instead of torch right?
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,615 ★★★★
    Great write up. I had been thinking of using Colossus + Omega Red myself, but felt that the I couldn't spare the roster spot for Omega Red. If I had seen this before going in with my NF + Cap IW + Corvus + Void + BWCV team, I might have tried the same team.

    1. Did you heal to full between each fight and was that useful? (Good job farming the ROL potions! I got super bored and only had 15 ROL potions in overflow). To me, it seemed that health potions weren't really useful as I'd either Time out with the Skirmish charges or would just get KO'd due to how the nodes worked.
    2. How'd you manage the Skirmish charges for most fights? Just parry+ heavy?
    3. It took me 50+ revives using Corvus (without suicides) against the Collector, so you did great. The unstoppables took awhile to learn to play around, while the evades were okay (but annoying when I was trying to get the SP2 off).
  • AsIsGrassAsIsGrass Member Posts: 48

    Can u share colossus videos
    I’m excited to see him in abyss

    Yessir I will very soon, I've been procrastinating a bit since some of these videos take soooo long to upload and I'm trying to get an x23 from arenas 🤣 after her arenas are done I'll try my best to upload as fast as possible
  • AsIsGrassAsIsGrass Member Posts: 48

    By the way, I could use void instead of torch right?

    Void could work as a sub for torch many ppl do it. Personally I'm not a fan of void since he's too expensive for me to invest in so I don't really have experience playing him but I think he's the next best option when u don't have torch
  • AsIsGrassAsIsGrass Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2020
    altavista said:

    Great write up. I had been thinking of using Colossus + Omega Red myself, but felt that the I couldn't spare the roster spot for Omega Red. If I had seen this before going in with my NF + Cap IW + Corvus + Void + BWCV team, I might have tried the same team.

    1. Did you heal to full between each fight and was that useful? (Good job farming the ROL potions! I got super bored and only had 15 ROL potions in overflow). To me, it seemed that health potions weren't really useful as I'd either Time out with the Skirmish charges or would just get KO'd due to how the nodes worked.
    2. How'd you manage the Skirmish charges for most fights? Just parry+ heavy?
    3. It took me 50+ revives using Corvus (without suicides) against the Collector, so you did great. The unstoppables took awhile to learn to play around, while the evades were okay (but annoying when I was trying to get the SP2 off).

    Thanks man, how well did that team work?

    1. I was really stingy w/ my potions and boosts and most fights I didn't heal to full except for htd which after I used a team revive I used l3 team potions to take them to full. I thought the skirmish charges would be a waste of potions but in a lot of fights I didn't even use all of the charges before dying. If I healed to full it might've reduced the revive usage but I was trying my best not to use any units on potions (ended up having left over)

    2. For Colossus parry, heavy all the way thru, very long and boring and I'd imagine aegon would be more fun to play but colossus will certainly do really good and get the job done. I stopped parrying and heavying if I was at really low health and went for full combos. Colossus didn't 1 shot anything but does a lot of damage in 1 revive before running out of skirmish charges

    3. Thanks 😂 I'm trying my best to forget about this fight
  • AsIsGrassAsIsGrass Member Posts: 48
    I've finally uploaded the colossus fights and put them in this playlist, link is right here:

    Excuse some garbage gameplay on quake 😭😭😂
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