Game crash after every fight

Please fix the Game asap. After every fight the game crash. Of doesnt matter what i arena aq.. And you are starting aw again? How can i play aw like this? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra
Please fix first the connection problems before starting Aw.
Please fix first the connection problems before starting Aw.

'Connection' issues after every fight I managed, game not loading and members of my ally can only spectate AQ even though they've been with us for months.
The knock on of this is HUGE. AQ rewards, arena down the drain and now the potential to ruin the hard work we've done in AW. Getting kicked out after an AW fight is going to screq things up SO badly, it'll just be random chance as to which ally manages to not get kicked the most.