Most optimal moment for Cap America (IW) SP2?

disturbedgeniusdisturbedgenius Member Posts: 98
What's the most optimal moment to deal the most damage with Captain America (IW) SP2?

I've tried after a combo, in the middle of a combo, after just one hit etc and i see very variyng amount of damage dealt.


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Parry heavy, after the first hit of the heavy throw it, if you have 5 kinetic charges that’s where the big damage is since it gets a 500% damage boost
  • Sportsfan365Sportsfan365 Member Posts: 388
    Parry heavy your way to a sp2. Launch the sp2 with 5 charges and when your using your heavy. The heavy has 2 hits so after the first hit of the heavy launch your special
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    Like every says parry then do a heavy then while the fury is active i go for the s2 usually i get another parry after i do the heavy so a 5 hit combo plus max charges plus that fury all together has knocked out opponents that i was shocked to see happen. Especially going into a fight with only 20-15% health
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