Push for Cavalier? If so, tips?

Hey gang,
So because of this whole double compensation thing, I wanted to see if y'all thought it's possible for me to go for Cavalier. I've been spending the last few weeks completing/exploring Act 5 (only have 5.2.2-5.2.6 left to 100%). Is it a ridiculous jump to try, and should I bring my BWCV to R4 or Sym Supreme to R3 for it? I have a beast at R4 or above in each class except Mystic and Skill right now. If you think it's possible and have any tips/advice, please comment and let me know!!

So because of this whole double compensation thing, I wanted to see if y'all thought it's possible for me to go for Cavalier. I've been spending the last few weeks completing/exploring Act 5 (only have 5.2.2-5.2.6 left to 100%). Is it a ridiculous jump to try, and should I bring my BWCV to R4 or Sym Supreme to R3 for it? I have a beast at R4 or above in each class except Mystic and Skill right now. If you think it's possible and have any tips/advice, please comment and let me know!!

Although my best champs are a rank 5 awakened ghost, rank 4 awakened void, rank 4 unduped Angela, rank 4 unduped havok, and...🤔 Yeah, that's pretty much it 😂. Had some rough 5* luck 😔
But yea, should be easy. I had a 6star beast taking up a roster spot cause my options at time were limited. You are good to go
Time to finish 100% 5.2 and then finally do some Variants!
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