Looking for 10k+ ally, AQ map 5 or 5&6 mix, relaxed AW. 2 x accounts

Looking for a high prestige alliance to bring both my accounts to after season ends. My prestige are 11,158 and 10,567.
Looking to do all map 5 or a mix of map 5 and 6, Modifiers however they come is fine.
AW preferably semi relaxed, maybe bottom tier gold or so.
If this sounds like you please HMU on line or in game:
Alt: KSC95 V2
Line: kscharnock
Looking for a high prestige alliance to bring both my accounts to after season ends. My prestige are 11,158 and 10,567.
Looking to do all map 5 or a mix of map 5 and 6, Modifiers however they come is fine.
AW preferably semi relaxed, maybe bottom tier gold or so.
If this sounds like you please HMU on line or in game:
Alt: KSC95 V2
Line: kscharnock