Web-Foam doesn't actually stop all unstoppables... and the node doesn't say "unstoppable" either.

I was playing around, and I see this:

Seems simple enough, right?
Then you see this:

So, here, "not interrupted" means unstoppable? If that is indeed the case, then why doesn't the description say that?
While fighting, you see:

So, that makes it really confusing. You see Slow is active, and you also see Unstoppable.
Yeah, I know about "passive" vs "active", but, Kabam really should clear this mess up, make it crystal clear when something will work, and when something won't work, and change the color of the icons or something more than what is shown?

Seems simple enough, right?
Then you see this:

So, here, "not interrupted" means unstoppable? If that is indeed the case, then why doesn't the description say that?
While fighting, you see:

So, that makes it really confusing. You see Slow is active, and you also see Unstoppable.
Yeah, I know about "passive" vs "active", but, Kabam really should clear this mess up, make it crystal clear when something will work, and when something won't work, and change the color of the icons or something more than what is shown?
Tested it out with she hulk SSSS and gwen
I see one of two things being an issue
1) the description is off since like said before it’s just old and that they added the icons to help players see when the effects of the node stops and ends.
This one is more of a theory, and you can ignore it if you want
2) the node is Bugged, yes bugged hear me out. Kabam is very specific on wording such as “ can not” and interactions with AA above 100% interacting with AAR. This is generally done for consistency purposes.
Remember when Corvus vs glancing thing was a huge deal and determined that Cannot is the highest “priority” of mechanics, so guaranteed and 100% chance do not matter? Well I believe that also opened the door to other interactions such as this one. So the unstoppable in this case is also a visual effect, BUT he should be able to finish his heavy attack due to the wording saying “heavy attacks are not interrupted” so slow shouldn’t affect the node from triggering. This would also mean “not interrupted” does not correlate to an unstoppable effect. Currently I’m trying to think of another situation where we see a mechanic say it can’t be interrupted
Obviously I didn’t design the node and probably am grasping at straws/ overthinking a mobile video game
It’s also important to note that unstoppable did not exist when this node was Introduced so the interaction between them was possible never fully planned. Plus passive effects where not in the game either so it’s probably a design and cosmetic addition