5* Namor, 5* Corvus, 6* Corvus?

Hey guys,
So I'm coming up on Elder's Bane (just have the Collector to 100%). Gonna get those two juicy t5 basics and need to decide who to use them on. My 5* Namor is at sig 200, and I have 12 Mutant t4cc. I also have a 5* Corvus and 10 Cosmic t4cc, as well as a 5* Cosmic Awakening Gem.

However, I also have a 6* Corvus too (lucky as heck), and I just recently formed a t5 basic, so I'll end up having three of them after 100% Act 5, meaning I can R2 him.

So my question is who's the best decision to go with? I don't have a R5 Mutant yet, nor a Cosmic. And should I use that Awakening Gem on 5* Corvus regardless, or save it for a hopefully eventual Hyperion or Captain Marvel? Whatever your decision, please explain why! I'm open to all advice/suggestions.
So I'm coming up on Elder's Bane (just have the Collector to 100%). Gonna get those two juicy t5 basics and need to decide who to use them on. My 5* Namor is at sig 200, and I have 12 Mutant t4cc. I also have a 5* Corvus and 10 Cosmic t4cc, as well as a 5* Cosmic Awakening Gem.

However, I also have a 6* Corvus too (lucky as heck), and I just recently formed a t5 basic, so I'll end up having three of them after 100% Act 5, meaning I can R2 him.

So my question is who's the best decision to go with? I don't have a R5 Mutant yet, nor a Cosmic. And should I use that Awakening Gem on 5* Corvus regardless, or save it for a hopefully eventual Hyperion or Captain Marvel? Whatever your decision, please explain why! I'm open to all advice/suggestions.
5* Namor, 5* Corvus, 6* Corvus? 19 votes
While Namor is great, you'll have the goal of getting Corvus to R3 eventually which will be a great feeling when you can get there.