Roster advice please

GLSpidey52GLSpidey52 Member Posts: 3
edited August 2020 in Strategy and Tips

Which characters should my focus be on upgrading? I have beat act 4 and am working in exploration of it. Are my 3 5\*s good enough to be worth upgrading for long term gain? Or should I be more focused on the 4\*s? Or half and half? Advice please.
Also, any good guides for playing as KM or Luke Cage. Luke is just normal and use sp1 for the stun, right? What about KM?


  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    corvus will definitely help exploring act four. my maxed four star struggled in act five, though. archangel is insane, especially when you mostly need damage. Luke cage is a fantastic clearing champion, and yeah combo and sp1. end your comboes with light attacks for more chances to get exhaustions. I'm not sure how to play km tho
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    Perhaps you should post your full roster. There might be other good champs you haven't ranked up
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    Definitely invest in Killmonger. He’s amazing for smaller accounts. Just make sure to quickly punish your opponents specials to get true strike, and probably just spam your SP2. If you’re just in Act 4 you probably don’t need to worry about counterpunch charges. That’s more useful for higher tier stuff.

    Claire is also definitely worth investing in. Will cover a lot of immunities, is sustainable, and arsenal of utility, and its utility you don’t really don’t really have covered

    Nick Fury is you can get him awakened will crush everything
  • GLSpidey52GLSpidey52 Member Posts: 3
    Chikel said:

    Perhaps you should post your full roster. There might be other good champs you haven't ranked up

    Here is the rest of my 4* roster. I also have an og cap, Sym Spidey, and Groot but I figured those weren't worth another picture.
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,192 ★★★★★

    Which characters should my focus be on upgrading? I have beat act 4 and am working in exploration of it. Are my 3 5\*s good enough to be worth upgrading for long term gain? Or should I be more focused on the 4\*s? Or half and half? Advice please.
    Also, any good guides for playing as KM or Luke Cage. Luke is just normal and use sp1 for the stun, right? What about KM?

    I just recently became Uncollected and my Unduped Archangel 5* 3/45 and Longshot 4* 5/50 were very useful in completing most of the quest leading to the Collector. Against the collector I used only 4* 5/50s.

    Exploring Act 4 first is actually a good move as it will give you enough resources and an awakening gem that might be helpful for you. I used mine on my 4* Hyperion.

    On your roster, Nick Fury and Corvus Glaive are both an instant 5/50 choice. Scrap the 3* and focus on 4* and if lucky, a 5*.
  • GLSpidey52GLSpidey52 Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2020
    So overall I take it that it wouldn't be too much of a waste of resources to upgrade KM and LC, correct? If so, which one should be my primary focus?
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