MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
I'm currently level 54 working to become uncollected. Some of my top champs are: 5* Awakened Ant-Man (r4 55/55), 4* Awakened Rogue (r5 50/50), 4* Awakened Captain Marvel Movie (r5 50/50), 4* Awakened Nick Fury (r5 50/50), 4* Awakened Stark Spidey (r4 40/40) and 4* Awakened Quake (r4 40/40)


Awakened Mephisto (currently r3 45/45)
KrumbledkookieLobster44 2 votes
Not Awakened Sunspot (currently r3 45/45)
DeQueuemanveertherealMysteriochrisfernendezzzKDSuperFlash10Sairam44Justcause102ThatOneMasterGamerQacobPennmabobKGold29Bugmat78PHJfinArsozEinfachSoThicco_ModeTripleUBonzodavidNimorMasterpuff 37 votes
Not Awakened Hulkbuster (currently r3 45/45)
sailesh509manan_44 2 votes
Not Awakened Proxima Midnight (currently r2 35/35)
Not Awakened Guillotine 2099 (currently r2 35/35)
RaganatorFallencircusJim0172VuDahTheLegend27Jedi_HawkeCiciliatoZipioGreekhitTripleBDnegrin6969Přìņče01ChikelBlack_SwanTheMailmannYeetusTheFoetusShøcker 17 votes
Not Awakened Hulk Ragnarok (currently r2 35/35)
evilKINGwilsonKeepinItRealOmedennSneakyWarrior 4 votes
Not Awakened Psylocke (currently r2 35/35)
Not Awakened Red Hulk (currently r2 35/35)


  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
    What would you say is the biggest advantage Sunspot has over Guilly 2099? I love the damage Sunspot can do, but Guilly's regen is pretty useful.

    I see a few votes for Hulk Ragnarok...what advantages would he have over the other 2?
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    Not Awakened Sunspot (currently r3 45/45)
    im surprised hulkbuster did not get more votes
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    Not Awakened Guillotine 2099 (currently r2 35/35)
    Sunspot is fun, but you need more immunities.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Not Awakened Guillotine 2099 (currently r2 35/35)
    Guilly99 first choice mainly for the immunities, since there’s not a bleed immune in the 4*s you have listed.
    Close second Hulkbuster 🙂
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
    edited August 2020
    Yeah, Guilly 2099's bleed and poison immune + regen make her a good candidate for r4. I like Hulkbuster's damage output...if I had him duped, I would think he would be a top choice too. Hulk Raganrok is pretty new for me, so I haven't mastered his play yet. He seems to be a level below Sunspot, Guilly 2099 and Hulkbuster. I'm regretting choosing Hulk Ragnarok instead of duping Guilly 2099 with the compensation Nexus crystal!!! :-(
  • StoNerdStoNerd Member Posts: 182
    R4 sunspot and guilly2099, and r3 Ragnarok hulk. These 3 will do most of the fights for uncollected.

    Sunspot - great damage, perfect block
    Guilly99 - power drain, preability, regeneration, immunity, counters lot of champs.
    GHulk - hits hard, heal block on heavy, face me mode is awesome. Watch gameplay videos and practice with him.
  • DeQueueDeQueue Member Posts: 101
    Not Awakened Sunspot (currently r3 45/45)
    MCOC_JCM said:

    What would you say is the biggest advantage Sunspot has over Guilly 2099? I love the damage Sunspot can do, but Guilly's regen is pretty useful.

    I see a few votes for Hulk Ragnarok...what advantages would he have over the other 2?

    If u are finding gully's regen useful then u aren't using it correctly. Using gully requires u to hold 100+ combo always.
    Sunspot's damage isn't constrained like that, generate 2-3 flare states throw sp2. Fight over. Plus 0 damage on perfect block while opponent's incinerating.

    Gully is great but for highly skilled players & for large hp contents like abyss or lol. Sunspot outshines gully in day to day questing war aq.
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
    Awesome...thanks for the great tips and feedback everyone!
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
    edited August 2020
    StoNerd said:

    R4 sunspot and guilly2099, and r3 Ragnarok hulk. These 3 will do most of the fights for uncollected.

    Sunspot - great damage, perfect block
    Guilly99 - power drain, preability, regeneration, immunity, counters lot of champs.
    GHulk - hits hard, heal block on heavy, face me mode is awesome. Watch gameplay videos and practice with him.

    Thanks...that kind of detail is what I am looking for! What other 2 champs of mine would you add to this? I like having Nick Fury on the team for those evades he gives to the team.
  • StoNerdStoNerd Member Posts: 182
    MCOC_JCM said:

    StoNerd said:

    R4 sunspot and guilly2099, and r3 Ragnarok hulk. These 3 will do most of the fights for uncollected.

    Sunspot - great damage, perfect block
    Guilly99 - power drain, preability, regeneration, immunity, counters lot of champs.
    GHulk - hits hard, heal block on heavy, face me mode is awesome. Watch gameplay videos and practice with him.

    Thanks...that kind of detail is what I am looking for! What other 2 champs of mine would you add to this? I like having Nick Fury on the team for those evades he gives to the team.
    For evade charges, use Nick+(quake or Antman) synergy. You have CMM + Nick synergy which is also good.
    Max your quake and Spidey if you have resources, take these two along with Sunspot, Guilly99, Gulk/CMM. This is good team. You can swap Antman and Nick for synergy benifits accordingly.
    Uncollected is pretty easy with your champs.
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
    StoNerd said:

    MCOC_JCM said:

    StoNerd said:

    R4 sunspot and guilly2099, and r3 Ragnarok hulk. These 3 will do most of the fights for uncollected.

    Sunspot - great damage, perfect block
    Guilly99 - power drain, preability, regeneration, immunity, counters lot of champs.
    GHulk - hits hard, heal block on heavy, face me mode is awesome. Watch gameplay videos and practice with him.

    Thanks...that kind of detail is what I am looking for! What other 2 champs of mine would you add to this? I like having Nick Fury on the team for those evades he gives to the team.
    For evade charges, use Nick+(quake or Antman) synergy. You have CMM + Nick synergy which is also good.
    Max your quake and Spidey if you have resources, take these two along with Sunspot, Guilly99, Gulk/CMM. This is good team. You can swap Antman and Nick for synergy benifits accordingly.
    Uncollected is pretty easy with your champs.
    Thanks! I appreciate your input!
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
    StoNerd said:

    R4 sunspot and guilly2099, and r3 Ragnarok hulk. These 3 will do most of the fights for uncollected.

    Sunspot - great damage, perfect block
    Guilly99 - power drain, preability, regeneration, immunity, counters lot of champs.
    GHulk - hits hard, heal block on heavy, face me mode is awesome. Watch gameplay videos and practice with him.

    Glad you mentioned GHulk...I have been regretting choosing GHulk instead of duping Guilly 2099 with the 5 star nexus crystal. I still wish I duped her instead, but at least it sounds like GHulk has some use.
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171

    im surprised hulkbuster did not get more votes

    Would you rank up Hulkbuster over Guilly 2099?
  • sailesh509sailesh509 Member Posts: 35
    Not Awakened Hulkbuster (currently r3 45/45)
    sunspot will be good but his healthpull is very low i say upgrade hulk buster i rank4 mine yesterday he has 25k health he is doing 17k crits on sp1
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
    Whoa! 17k on sp1??? That's amazing. I do love Hulkbusters damage output! Is yours duped?
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