Will there be a level 5 Daily Quest?

To add diversity in obtaining Tier 5 Basic, a Daily Quest 5th level should be added.


  • Lobster44Lobster44 Member Posts: 147
    On top of this the lv4 quest could do with improvement, fully exploring it gets you 1650 fragments, which means it takes around 22 days to get 1 catalyst from daily quest alone. Assuming a t5 would give less per quest as the trend is atm it would be pitiful if this was not buffed. Also, the class ones are basically worthless, due to being weekly and having slightly less fragments it takes like half a year to get a full catalyst from them alone. I generally don't bother with these quests and just spend glory for t4cc as its just not worth the energy (particulary since its 4 per tile). I'm not saying I expect a t4cc every week from these but somewhere around 2 a year sucks and needs looking at imo.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,009 ★★★★
    Yes!! A daily event to award Tier 5 catalyst shards is an excellent idea. Even if it is only earning 1,500 or so shards a day, it's a step toward completing that tier 5 catalyst crystal. Great idea!
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