BWCV Buff immunity bug
I was fighting Hyperion in act6.2.6 with mystic conditioning 3.0 .
I use my sp2 with BWCV but his power gain buff would not go away. I have never had this trouble even when fighting champs like angels and others with mystic conditioning.
The node only reduces the ability of " stagger,nullify, fate seal". Since buff immunity is none of these, it's a bug.
Also judging by a line in her spotlight that says
" An immunity purifies a pre-existing effect" which hints that the mechanism that comes into play is purification of the buff, this is definitely a bug.
Please fix this
I use my sp2 with BWCV but his power gain buff would not go away. I have never had this trouble even when fighting champs like angels and others with mystic conditioning.
The node only reduces the ability of " stagger,nullify, fate seal". Since buff immunity is none of these, it's a bug.
Also judging by a line in her spotlight that says
" An immunity purifies a pre-existing effect" which hints that the mechanism that comes into play is purification of the buff, this is definitely a bug.
Please fix this
Buff immunity is preventing buffs by nullifying them. This explains why Angela's sig is affecting the buff immunity. In reality, it's just nullify.
Well, BWCV's sp2 buff immunity is also acts like a nullification.
It will purify all buffs on opponent once activated.
You will see it very clearly if you have mystic dispersion mastery where you will get power from the nullified buffs.
Also, whenever she has a clairevoyance charge, she can consume each one to nullify a buff on opponent, whether from her own basic hits or when struck by opponent's basic hits.
Mystic Conditioning 3.0 reduces that nullification effect by 0.2% per nullify.
So the frequent you nullify, the less effective it is.
Conclusion: Not a bug
It's only one node that reduces her effectiveness in the game but you wanna make a big deal out of it? I think other players will disagree with you.
It should be, "It will nullify all buffs on opponent once activated."
Here it is. She will gain more power if her buff immunity nullifies more buffs when activated.
You can nullify a buff on opponent if you have a clairevoyance charge.
You cannot nullify the buff if you don't have the charge.
It's simple to understand.
It's in her description.
Except for Thing. You cannot nullify his buff no matter what.
But you can prevent his future buff if you can put Buff Immunity from her sp2 (it has 50% chance when against science).
It works like that since the beginning.
KABAM should just put another description saying "Once Buff Immunity is activated it will nullify all buffs on opponent".
That's why after some times, you will notice her Buff Immunity doesn't nullify Hyperion's power gain buff on Mystic Conditioning 3.0 node.
Because it has reduced effectiveness after each nullification.
Ok I'm done explaining. Hope you guys can take a deep breath and analyze how simple this issue really is.
Completely false, the power gained is not because of mystic dispersion. The power is gained because whenever opponent tries to gain a buff than he becomes immune to his own buff and whenever this happens BWCV gains power because of opponents immunity.
U can check it by fighting without mystic dispersion and u will see BWCV still generates power.
Buff immunity is what it is: immunity. This interaction I think is a bit bugged since there is that mystical conditioning that lowers the accuracy of nullify effect, but as I stated previously, buff immunity doesn't work as a Nullify effect.
Maybe it works as Nullify, but I should not.