What to do with my units? (Going for uncollected)

I recently finished exploring act 4 and am now working my way towards uncollected and have now finished 5.1.3. I now have enough units to buy precision (which I haven’t unlocked yet) but it would take all of my units so I wanted to know if I should go ahead and buy precision, use some of the units on other masteries and save some, or save all of my units for act 5? Here are my masteries currently. If I was to use my units on other masteries so that I don’t use all of them it would be on pacify, stupefy, and petrify. Thanks.

Also you should have atleast 1000 units for collector just to be extra cautious.
Take you time. Do event quests and get 2000 units. Then unlock precision and go for collector.
Also if you need to use revives in act5.1 do go for collector yet . Strengthen your roster.
For now get more units and unlock mastery
The in some time collector will be at your feet.
only one point in limber
one point in dex
max stupefy
probably only one in salve and max recovery(this will be expensive, so you can hold off on this)
remove points from fury thing, although it can be helpful if you have high ranked fury champs
but yeah def get precision first