Kabam, can we make t3cc more available? Right now the only good way to get them is the glory store or the sigil. If you dont have sigil, it takes 3 weeks to get enough to bring 1 5* to r2. Right now t3cc is harder to come by than t4cc and t2a, which really makes no sense. Hopefully you guys can look into increasing the availability of them

And 21 full catalyst crystals.
I get them pretty easily lol
I’m no crazy whale either lol. I spend maybe once every 3-4 months other than the sigil
Energy refills aren't expensive - why not see how many shards you get running through a few times, and burning a few Energy refills?
And at least use your daily energy running through the quest when you've nothing better to do.
Also, look to stockpile T3CC shard crystals from 22-hr Events. I've literally got thousands.