6.1.5 No matter what i try, just cant do it

Most people say 6.1.2 is hardest of 6.1, Ultron wasnt that bad, 6.1.5 is wicked. I dont have any robots above r2 to fight XBones but the problem is i cant even get to him. I went from 6.1.1 to 6.1.5 in one night and im stuck. What path did you all take, what champs do i have that will work? Ive tried every night for the past week. Will 6.1.5 be nerfed too?
I took the left most path to remove bane.
I used corvus and sentinel but because you don't seem to have either,I really can't say who'll help. DH needs high sig and ultron won't do enough damage.
Maybe just hope for a great champ soon because your roster isn't suitable for that fight imo
(idk how strong korg is. Will he be good for full boosts? Maybe??)
As for a possible counter, you’re out of luck. Biohazard with that health pool will decimate every champ on your team. The best advice I can give is to wait for a better option such as BWCV, Iceman, Omega Red, Ghost, Warlock etc.
The only way I see you getting through this by quitting out every time his regen from vigor pops up is using Blade with the Ghost Rider synergy, but that would require you getting him to at least R4 and still wouldn’t be a great option as it’s RNG whether his damage sense will mitigate the biohazard procs.
Might I suggest clearing other content in the meantime?