For the 3rd Year in a row...

Thankfully I did my own research before devoting too many resources from my account, but let me give a little background before I divulge into this topic just in case these game developers / creative team have any true care for their products, (which I doubt, considering the login screen itself has had visual errors for the past two months since I've returned to this game) this will give them a persona to identify part of their player base (returning players).
After playing this game casually in 2015 I quit for a few years, but recently decided to pick it up again last month. I was impressed by the Canada content, the great rewards, the ease of accessing some 3 and 4 star heroes at this point in the game etc. "Wow! They've really made the new player experience great". There's stamina refills flowing, introductions to incentives for purchases, and basic mechanics decently(loose term here) explained. I'm not sure if Parry was always the first mastery in the tree back in 2015, but I'm surely happy to see it there now. I ended up not so happy with my roster after the time devoted, so I restarted an account (again the atrocious errors, seriously, no one wants to see your code variables on our UI for buttons).
No more Canada days; but Yay! Still a smooth intro back in and acquiring resources necessary for progression. Now for my one complaint, which in light of all of these positive aspects, this one issue I find detrimental to the user experience. The sad part is, given the research I've done on these forums and these developers, they seem to enjoy making light of players having frustrating experiences and truly don't care about this matter and will take my experience (which people would pay a lot of money to have the proper observation research done on a large player base of returning players using design thinking or other practical techniques for analyzing holes in your products) that I have freely now given them, along with a large handful of players since the release of this character.. It's almost as though they'd rather have a stronger ego than have a better game.
Anyways - it is highly suggested you change the description of Yondu's Armor stealing technique, because having a "Joke" in a mechanics description is just bad design. This specific section is where a user goes to learn about the character. "Hahaha, jokes on you, why would we put a premium currency inside of a character mechanic?" Oh I don't know, maybe because you've made every other resource easier to obtain over the years apparently so maybe this one is another? Plus the use of ambiguous terms such as "Might" leaves it open to the interpretation of there being a small, but still possible, chance of it actually happening. Again, this section is used for MECHANICS DESCRIPTION of the character you're playing.
I've seen responses of "This has been done in many other games" - Terrible argument, first of all show me a game where its basic mechanic descriptions are lying to you. Jokes in other games consist of cosmetics, references to other movies / shows / games, please show me an example of a game where you are truly given false information without them keeping it plain and simple to the audience that this is not true. Also, not to mention, since when is monkey see - monkey do, the way to leading in innovation on a mobile platform? I was stoked this time around with some of my early hero pulls and was considering at least extending the summoner sigil for the month considering I've never spent a dime toward MCOC but now I probably won't because of this. I've spent hundreds toward other mobile games, genre unimportant because if I can buy it in the mobile app store and it's featured next to one game I'd prefer to give my money to that does not mislead their players. How can I be sure that whatever I invest toward in this game, it's not just another "Joke"?
The issue here is not that this perk doesn't exist and hasn't for years and they haven't changed it and won't ever and I and the others were all trolled. Its the fact that some higher up allowed it to go through in the first place and isn't taking a look at some of the easiest flaws in their touch points with consumers, something that can substantially help their business. Start asking yourself some questions moving forward.
"What amount of our player base is new or returning players?"
"What attracts them"
"What does not attract them"
"What level of knowledge in the Marvel Universe do our players have" (I for one had not seen any GoTG movies until this year, so something like a joke about Yondu that a well versed player could recognize in a section utilized for game mechanics, not a Bio or other non seemingly important description section)
Its simple design practice - KISS.
Keep It Simple, Stupid
If the game doesn't do what it says it does, don't have it say that.
I'm going to add to this forum again for the third year in a row... change Yondu's description
Also if you need suggestions for facilitators on design thinking practices or some front end devs who know how to make a login button, please, let me know.
After playing this game casually in 2015 I quit for a few years, but recently decided to pick it up again last month. I was impressed by the Canada content, the great rewards, the ease of accessing some 3 and 4 star heroes at this point in the game etc. "Wow! They've really made the new player experience great". There's stamina refills flowing, introductions to incentives for purchases, and basic mechanics decently(loose term here) explained. I'm not sure if Parry was always the first mastery in the tree back in 2015, but I'm surely happy to see it there now. I ended up not so happy with my roster after the time devoted, so I restarted an account (again the atrocious errors, seriously, no one wants to see your code variables on our UI for buttons).
No more Canada days; but Yay! Still a smooth intro back in and acquiring resources necessary for progression. Now for my one complaint, which in light of all of these positive aspects, this one issue I find detrimental to the user experience. The sad part is, given the research I've done on these forums and these developers, they seem to enjoy making light of players having frustrating experiences and truly don't care about this matter and will take my experience (which people would pay a lot of money to have the proper observation research done on a large player base of returning players using design thinking or other practical techniques for analyzing holes in your products) that I have freely now given them, along with a large handful of players since the release of this character.. It's almost as though they'd rather have a stronger ego than have a better game.
Anyways - it is highly suggested you change the description of Yondu's Armor stealing technique, because having a "Joke" in a mechanics description is just bad design. This specific section is where a user goes to learn about the character. "Hahaha, jokes on you, why would we put a premium currency inside of a character mechanic?" Oh I don't know, maybe because you've made every other resource easier to obtain over the years apparently so maybe this one is another? Plus the use of ambiguous terms such as "Might" leaves it open to the interpretation of there being a small, but still possible, chance of it actually happening. Again, this section is used for MECHANICS DESCRIPTION of the character you're playing.
I've seen responses of "This has been done in many other games" - Terrible argument, first of all show me a game where its basic mechanic descriptions are lying to you. Jokes in other games consist of cosmetics, references to other movies / shows / games, please show me an example of a game where you are truly given false information without them keeping it plain and simple to the audience that this is not true. Also, not to mention, since when is monkey see - monkey do, the way to leading in innovation on a mobile platform? I was stoked this time around with some of my early hero pulls and was considering at least extending the summoner sigil for the month considering I've never spent a dime toward MCOC but now I probably won't because of this. I've spent hundreds toward other mobile games, genre unimportant because if I can buy it in the mobile app store and it's featured next to one game I'd prefer to give my money to that does not mislead their players. How can I be sure that whatever I invest toward in this game, it's not just another "Joke"?
The issue here is not that this perk doesn't exist and hasn't for years and they haven't changed it and won't ever and I and the others were all trolled. Its the fact that some higher up allowed it to go through in the first place and isn't taking a look at some of the easiest flaws in their touch points with consumers, something that can substantially help their business. Start asking yourself some questions moving forward.
"What amount of our player base is new or returning players?"
"What attracts them"
"What does not attract them"
"What level of knowledge in the Marvel Universe do our players have" (I for one had not seen any GoTG movies until this year, so something like a joke about Yondu that a well versed player could recognize in a section utilized for game mechanics, not a Bio or other non seemingly important description section)
Its simple design practice - KISS.
Keep It Simple, Stupid
If the game doesn't do what it says it does, don't have it say that.
I'm going to add to this forum again for the third year in a row... change Yondu's description
Also if you need suggestions for facilitators on design thinking practices or some front end devs who know how to make a login button, please, let me know.