Help with Colossus

I just pulled him as 5 star I know he needs his awakened ability to be crazy good but do anyone know his damage output without awakened ability and synergies I am planning to use him for regular questing like uncollected eq and aq map5 should I rank 4 him to do that? Help me thanks in advance
Maybe make a 3rd post about it and you’ll magically know
3rd times the charm right?
1. Omega Red
2. Emma Frost
3. Juggernaut
You really only need OR. You can add OML for additional benefits, but the problem here is you will be building up a team almost completely around one champ. Reminds me of that Thing synergy. Best thing to do is to use Colossus+OR, and then focus on rounding your team off. Magneto is probably going to be a nice addition in the future instead of using a cosmic champ.
Oh yeah, about the awakening. It’s really useful for longer fights if you want to get to 20-30 armor stacks. For EQ fights, the opponent will be dead in 10-15 hits anyway.
Absolute tank
Insane damage
Insane immunities
Omega Red synergy super useful