Asian Timezone Ally AQ map 6 and 7, Plat 4 seeking for active players
We are looking for some players who want try playing map 7 AQ. We are from Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Turkey, and some from US.
Plat 4 AW
Top 500 reward AQ.
Minimal prestige 9900
Active play daily
Using Line app for coordination
If you want join add me on game: SkyfallNow.
Or line app: ian_pasani
Thank you.
Plat 4 AW
Top 500 reward AQ.
Minimal prestige 9900
Active play daily
Using Line app for coordination
If you want join add me on game: SkyfallNow.
Or line app: ian_pasani
Thank you.
We are looking for some players who want try playing map 6 or 7 AQ. We are from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, and some from US.
Plat 4 AW
Top 500 reward AQ.
Minimal prestige 9900
Active play daily
Using Line app for coordination
If you want join add me on game: SkyfallNow.
Or line app: ian_pasani
Thank you.
Update: 1 spot left.
Prefer GMT+7 or GMT+8
Rating prestige about 9.900
1 last spot
1 spot available, chat me on game: SkyfallNow or Line: ian_pasani.
Prefer GMT+7 or GMT+8
Rating prestige about 10.300
AQ Map 776, 2-3 T5CC fragment weekly
2 spots available, chat me on game: SkyfallNow or Line: ian_pasani.
Prefer GMT+5/6/7/8/9
1 spot available, chat me Line: ian_pasani
5 spots available, chat me Line: ian_pasani or on game: SkyfallNow
Thank you