Is 5* winter soldier ideal for a first LoL run

I'm thinking of doing a labrynth run soon and need to know if it's plausible with a 5* winter soldier... if not I can wait and r4 my captain marvel but that will be a long while, or r5 my 4* starlord I'm also planning on having 10-15k units and 200 hourly crystals
Sometimes the popular opinion is not the most ideal method.
Gwenpool stop the magik limbo after 30hits and she cant die from special immediately.
Iceman to he will only loss 5% helath if hit by higher damage special. or you can only take Wolvy he will save your much potion.
Sw and thor are pretty much good attcker
So sl,sw,thor,Wolvy,gwenpoolor Iceman will be good choice
You mention Magik, so you aren't talking about realm of legends, but you also talk about 4*s as a way to save potions... So you can't possibly be talking about LoL, right? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you haven't finished a path yet.
SW doesn't work, each buff you have reduces your crit rate by 50%. Caps her damage pretty quick, not to mention the enrage timers.
Thor isn't bad I guess, except the massive block damage you would take, enrage timers, and zero sustain.
And wolverine again has enrage timers working against him, his heal isn't enough to keep him alive, and if it is, you can't crit which means you can't bleed...
5* winter soldier isn't a good choice either because he doesn't hit hard enough, and against bleed immune champs it's going to be especially difficult. Its definetly possible, but then again how much are you willing to spend?
That's true. People going through LOL are making use of their parries, evades, and intercepting more than their block.
Which is another strike against thor, with limited parries his main source of damage goes away rather quickly, or becomes unreliable (yes I know the stun still activates, causing armor break, but with an aggressive ai recovering that quickly it could backfire)
Dont lie my friend. Not any 5 star can do LOL with 5000 units. WS is not a good choice, his power drain prevents you from baiting specials which is essential for LOL
Hey man, you're referencing the "Dulled" buff (reduced crit rate for buffs/debuffs). That was removed when 12.0 happened.
Maybe withhold advice on things you haven't done yourself...
Oh the irony. The legendary Cap who easily beat master modes with 3 stars, whos known for crying about star lord and hyperion, calling someone an attention seeker?
It took roughly 5k units along with boosts, free crystals, and items in inventory.
I would only recommend doing LOL with WS if you have a stash of 8k to 9k units. Save those free crystals.
Starting from sw she is still work for me.
About thor in easy path opponent's health are approx 1.5mil and thor sp3 with 2 armor break can do 100k damage at critical. And he will stay enough long to take opponent's upto their half basically he can defeat 1 opponent in 2 run.
About Wolverine i use r4 Wolvy against red hulk and he took out 300k health in one run just practising.
That tip is for those Player who dont have enough r4 5* or those who have 4* r5.
Mine all champ are at r4 and just waiting for sl to prepare my strong team.
I have no info on LoL but what is the nodes buff that makes a 100k damage Thor sp3...??