AQ fight not starting - Lost half health thrice

The AQ fight in Map 5 is not starting. I lost half health of my R5 5* CapIW thrice. I tried restarting game and also the phone but the problem keeps persisting. Why ?
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Could it be because I joined a new alliance yesterday and I am still under lock out period. If so, How come I was able to join AQ and take down one enemy champion but can't proceed further ?
The game freezes when I press the fight button in AQ and I get timed out and lose half health of my champion.
I haven't been able to do AQ today because of this problem.
It is almost impossible to remain in an alliance unless summoners contribute in AQ.
Kabam should look into this matter ASAP.
I frantically press the fight button fearing that I may be timed out and lose half health of my champion.
AQ is becoming stressful because of this fight button lag issue. Please do something.
Same is happening with me I'm using Android. When we tap fight everything freezes and timer which cause the lost of half hp