First Rank 5.

Warlord5386Warlord5386 Member Posts: 245 ★★
edited August 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Which of these champions should I consider taking to rank 5?
I have completed ( not explored ) all of the variants except variant 1. I have completed 6.1 and haven't started anything else in act 6.
I want to rank 5 my champions for act 6 completion and variants to come. I would also like to do LoL.

I was considering quake since she is so good and I'm pretty decent with her. But I feel other options are much more fun to use than quake. Just wanted to have all your opinions and hear about you experience on what champions are better suited and why they're that way, which will help me in future content.

Thank you!

First Rank 5. 24 votes

Doctor Doom (awakened Sig 20)
CiciliatoThatOneMasterGamerRodomontade_BoiLpirnie5321EinfachSoBonzodavidOmedennIronStrangeunoobmepro_hbtygbty423_ŘïdđhįmGr8TonyStarkPrincenayarwIryseLobster44 15 votes
Quake (unawakened)
Lvernon15Kill_GreyShilinYeetusTheFoetusHolyLegoStepBinweevil 6 votes
Domino (unawakened)
Adamb208 1 vote
Captain America IW (Awakened Sig 42)
Colossus ( unawakened )
Dretlle 1 vote
Stark Spiderman ( unawakened but I have a tech at)
Sorcerer supreme ( awakened Sig 20)
Tiborgina 1 vote
Venom ( unawakened)
Morningstar (unawakened)
Longshot ( unawakened)


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Quake (unawakened)
    Best champ in the game imo
  • ShilinShilin Member Posts: 24
    Quake (unawakened)
    Beast mode Quake. Plus she doesn’t need her awakened ability.
  • PrincenayarwPrincenayarw Member Posts: 372 ★★
    Doctor Doom (awakened Sig 20)
    Doom because he is very fun to use whereas quake is insanely good but boring to play with
  • _hbtygbty423__hbtygbty423_ Member Posts: 563 ★★
    Doctor Doom (awakened Sig 20)

    Doom because he is very fun to use whereas quake is insanely good but boring to play with

    Same Reason
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Quake (unawakened)
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