Human Torch or Void?

KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★

I pulled them both today so I have some decisions to make!

I have 3 science awakening gems but I cannot sig any of them up (I have to invest in Cap IW to sig 200 which will take a while). I also have 2 3-4 science gems. Who should I invest in? I'm leaning towards Human Torch but my mind can be changed.

Human Torch or Void? 42 votes

Human Torch
PhotimeTheManMythLegendNikoBravoJim0172Lvernon15IronBlaze09CoolFlameFaisaljavedWicket329Qacobphil56201KRANꓘArsozTotalMonster109Thicco_ModeJ1a9m8e2sEdeuinkFlozellUbanezDoctor_Strange19Chikel 30 votes
gforcefanKill_GreyVedantMehtaRamil0222ErosenseiogGlassbackMiervomanan_44Vas7hValentinos13AGYAATCeltic1981 12 votes


  • manan_44manan_44 Member Posts: 654 ★★★
    Void for awakening and high sig
  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★
    Human Torch
    manan_44 said:

    Void for awakening and high sig

    Did you read the post? OPs putting his Sig stones in cap.
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★
    Human Torch
    Since you cannot add signature levels to Void, I'd go with Torch who doesn't even need the dupe as I understand. Rank up Torch now for immediate value, continue to focus on maxing Cap's awakened ability, and once he's max sig, make Void your next focus.

    I also wouldn't use an AG on either Torch or Void, since you could very well pull another Void in all the time between now and when you are in a position to start ranking/sigging him up. That's how I would do it. If you could awaken and sig Void up to at least 100-140, then I'd go with Void.
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Torch for now - doesn't need dupe and his sig ability only gives him a chance to reuse his nova flame. Mine's sig 65 and only once in all of my quests have I been able to use nova more than once on a full path. Eventually that will change when he's higher sig, but it's rare you really need it anyway. He still melts mystics without it and you don't "need" him in many other scenarios unless you want to improve some regen control, but he and Void are both capable of that unduped.

    Void is still fine unduped too. Yeah, he's slower, but he can still reverse heal. And yes, he's better with many sigs, but once duped, he still can tap into fear of the void, but much slower. I still used void plenty unduped to counter mephisto's and Sinisters and some crazy regen scenarios - just takes longer.

  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    Depends what else you have really. I use void a lot less now i have warlock at r5 and doc oc r4 for crazy powergain but still he gets some use in quests and aq.

    They both have uses and cover some similar ground wrt incinerate immunity, good for buffet /masochism and heal block through despair so I’d look at whether you need either of their other utility, torch vs mystics, flame on and miss counter, void vs powergain, fatigue debuffs etc....
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