Can we change 6 star dupe rewards yet?

Just duped my Groot which is awesome in itself, so I'm not so sore about this one in particular. /s
But, someone pointed out that you get better rewards from duping a 4 star, that's insane! Can we at least get more ISO, or some extra 6 star shards?
If not, can we get some clarification on what will happen when the next tier of champs will come out; the rewards are sure to change right? Will we be compensation for the amount of dupes we've had? etc.
It's disheartening to grind so long for the 6 star champions as it is, when so many in the pool are trash, only to be shat on even more.
But, someone pointed out that you get better rewards from duping a 4 star, that's insane! Can we at least get more ISO, or some extra 6 star shards?
If not, can we get some clarification on what will happen when the next tier of champs will come out; the rewards are sure to change right? Will we be compensation for the amount of dupes we've had? etc.
It's disheartening to grind so long for the 6 star champions as it is, when so many in the pool are trash, only to be shat on even more.