Like how!!???

My question is how does one with the highest champs he has that are 4/5 5* hitting at almost 1500attack suppose to beat someone with 9 000+ attck? like not even class advantage works not even 5 hit combo and i get dropped while my 46 hit combo barely takes 10% how? Is there a way to raise attack other than the attack mastery? Thanks in advance

*ima go kick a can


  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    Lol Trust me man its all block damage i get KO d to the most. @Crcrcrc
  • Dr_Z01dbergDr_Z01dberg Member Posts: 512 ★★★

    My question is how does one with the highest champs he has that are 4/5 5* hitting at almost 1500attack suppose to beat someone with 9 000+ attck? like not even class advantage works not even 5 hit combo and i get dropped while my 46 hit combo barely takes 10% how? Is there a way to raise attack other than the attack mastery? Thanks in advance

    *ima go kick a can

    What content are you trying to do with r4 5*’s? If the attack is 9k then I’m guessing it’s either act 6 or Herald difficulty which is extremely tough with r4’s unless you have the perfect counter to a fight.

    Either you need to settle in for a long fight and intercept really well or come back to that content later when you have some r5’s who have higher attack and higher base health or a better counter to the champ that your facing

    Sorry to be a bit vague but without knowing the content your trying to take on it’s hard to help with specifics
  • Dr_Z01dbergDr_Z01dberg Member Posts: 512 ★★★
    Also to raise attack you are either going to need to rank up that champ, change your masteries, boost heavily or potentially synergies depending who your using
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    @Dr_Z01dberg first off.... thank you. Second the content im tryna go for is the boss rush master and above ive gotten to the point where in everything else the only things that ko me are either debuffs or nodes. Ive even go with uncollected difficulty my list of 5 stars is not that big aswell. But as for the attack how is it that still even after masterys my attack is still on that low side is there another mastery i should know off. Im not running suicides heck ive been holding on to a carb for almost 2 years. If this helps.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Who are you using and who are you going up against? Characters have differing damage outputs.
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    @Notsavage19 my strogest is ghulk and venom my oponents are lets say micro verse variant ch2.3 against thor rag.angela.and yellojacket
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    There's a few ways to increase base attack.

    1) Masteries
    2) Boosts
    3) Leveling and ranking up champions
    4) Synergies

    Once you've checked off all 4, there's really no other way to increase your attack.

    If you're dying due to chip damage through block, I would say to practice intercepting, as that's an essential skill in harder content. I know it's vague, but I haven't seen any of your gameplay, so I'd just say to learn how to fight better.
  • Dr_Z01dbergDr_Z01dberg Member Posts: 512 ★★★

    @Dr_Z01dberg first off.... thank you. Second the content im tryna go for is the boss rush master and above ive gotten to the point where in everything else the only things that ko me are either debuffs or nodes. Ive even go with uncollected difficulty my list of 5 stars is not that big aswell. But as for the attack how is it that still even after masterys my attack is still on that low side is there another mastery i should know off. Im not running suicides heck ive been holding on to a carb for almost 2 years. If this helps.

    Are you sure you went into the master boss rush not the Epic one? Master boss rush first fight (HT) has attack rating of just over 5k which should be much more manageable.

    Epic boss rush is where you have attack ratings of 9k plus and whilst it is possible to complete with r4’s your going to be in for some long fights against some tough opponents.

    In terms of masteries if you posted a pic of what your current mastery set up is we would be able to help/guide you better. However if your top champs are Gulk and Venom I wouldn’t recommend suicides as neither are suicide friendly.

    1.5k does seem a bit low for an r4 Gulk even without suicides but realistically even with an attack focused mastery set up (without suicides) your not going to get much above above 2k attack at r4

    My advice is try a lower difficulty on the boss rush, continue to build your team and target the rank up materials you need to get your first r5

    The hard truth is that with limited 5*’s and only 2 r4’s there is going to be content which is currently very tough without dumping in a lot of units which probably isn’t what you want to be doing at this stage
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    @Dr_Z01dberg first off.... thank you. Second the content im tryna go for is the boss rush master and above ive gotten to the point where in everything else the only things that ko me are either debuffs or nodes. Ive even go with uncollected difficulty my list of 5 stars is not that big aswell. But as for the attack how is it that still even after masterys my attack is still on that low side is there another mastery i should know off. Im not running suicides heck ive been holding on to a carb for almost 2 years. If this helps.

    I don't want to seem like an a**hole, but master is pretty easily doable with r4 5*. make sure you're picking the right counters. epic is doable too, but that pretty much demands counters for fights like havok. all 11 other fights are mostly skill and knowing how to fight the champion.

    practice intercepting and learning how to avoid blocking at all. professor skill on YouTube, unofficial kabam mike, and dorky diggedy Dave all have really good intercepting vids
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    @Thicco_Mode @Dr_Z01dberg @Notsavage19 the most friendly detailed way to say GetGood ... thanks guys yall really brought me to tears... of laughter lol all jokes aside yea i went another go at it just now and came to accepting that those 2 5* backed by r5 4* even if theyre the top tier champs is not gonna cut it. I get lucky in events not gona lie sometimes i cheese through some events and then theres times like like wtf lol. Still i feel like my dmg output is low . Ill post a pic of my roster later today. Gots to go feed the fine people that are supporting my business through this pandemic.
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    edited August 2020
    You might also want to chuck some points into the Block Proficiency mastery. Many people ignore it and get wrecked by chip damage.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    @Thicco_Mode @Dr_Z01dberg @Notsavage19 the most friendly detailed way to say GetGood ... thanks guys yall really brought me to tears... of laughter lol all jokes aside yea i went another go at it just now and came to accepting that those 2 5* backed by r5 4* even if theyre the top tier champs is not gonna cut it. I get lucky in events not gona lie sometimes i cheese through some events and then theres times like like wtf lol. Still i feel like my dmg output is low . Ill post a pic of my roster later today. Gots to go feed the fine people that are supporting my business through this pandemic.

    yeah it would be great if you could show your roster and masteries so we can stay safe. stay safe!
  • Dr_Z01dbergDr_Z01dberg Member Posts: 512 ★★★

    @Thicco_Mode @Dr_Z01dberg @Notsavage19 the most friendly detailed way to say GetGood ... thanks guys yall really brought me to tears... of laughter lol all jokes aside yea i went another go at it just now and came to accepting that those 2 5* backed by r5 4* even if theyre the top tier champs is not gonna cut it. I get lucky in events not gona lie sometimes i cheese through some events and then theres times like like wtf lol. Still i feel like my dmg output is low . Ill post a pic of my roster later today. Gots to go feed the fine people that are supporting my business through this pandemic.

    Haha not quite but if your going into content with 9k attack and using r4’s you are going to need to be good!

    If you want help on your masteries then post a pic of that and your roster and I’m sure people will be able to help support

    Good luck with the business, trading is tough at the moment!
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    @Thicco_Mode @Dr_Z01dberg @Notsavage19 the most friendly detailed way to say GetGood ... thanks guys yall really brought me to tears... of laughter lol all jokes aside yea i went another go at it just now and came to accepting that those 2 5* backed by r5 4* even if theyre the top tier champs is not gonna cut it. I get lucky in events not gona lie sometimes i cheese through some events and then theres times like like wtf lol. Still i feel like my dmg output is low . Ill post a pic of my roster later today. Gots to go feed the fine people that are supporting my business through this pandemic.

    It's a lot of muscle memory. Once you get used to fighting, you get better and better. It'll take some time, but it'll work out in the end. Good luck with business!
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 7,999 ★★★★★
    So are you attempting epic?
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    @Crcrcrc yes one increase i did notice instantly was the speed of the AI
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    So this is my current mastery set up. I have no problem reworking at anytime. I also have 1 carb and stony in stash. You can even see i have a point left because i just didnt know where ton place it.

    @Notsavage19 @Chikel @Thicco_Mode @Dr_Z01dberg
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    1/3 in salve
    1/3 limber
    1/9 greater health
    5/5 precision
    5/5 cruelty
    3/3 courage (optional)

    if you want to go for willpower, this is my setup. everyone has a different one depending on what they think is useful
    1/4 perfect block
    4/5 stand your ground
    1/3 salve
    1/3 willpower(you can put more points if you want)

    I'm not totally convinced on Petrify and pacify so I might put them elsewhere
  • Dr_Z01dbergDr_Z01dberg Member Posts: 512 ★★★

    So this is my current mastery set up. I have no problem reworking at anytime. I also have 1 carb and stony in stash. You can even see i have a point left because i just didnt know where ton place it.

    @Notsavage19 @Chikel @Thicco_Mode @Dr_Z01dberg

    That’s mine mate, you have a few points in places that they are not really needed
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    @Thicco_Mode last month i had stand your ground at max and courage aswell i reverted the points from them because i would hardly get heavyd on and as for courage i felt like only the first point made a change not all 3. As for limber i like to have a good amount of points for the random stuns. And whats ypur full take on petrify and pacify i thought they were good on the mistics.
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    @Dr_Z01dberg bro almost exact lol yo but again last month my set up included physical resist and energy recist. I see you have points in one. Do you see em helping you out? In all you and @Thicco_Mode both are showing that i should go for willpower asap
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    @Thicco_Mode last month i had stand your ground at max and courage aswell i reverted the points from them because i would hardly get heavyd on and as for courage i felt like only the first point made a change not all 3. As for limber i like to have a good amount of points for the random stuns. And whats ypur full take on petrify and pacify i thought they were good on the mistics.

    I have one or two points in both. it's really kinda like a placeholder before I get my full setup because I'm actually still somehow not level 60. I didn't really have the units for assassin so I put them in pacify and petrify. I think pacify can be useful in some places but not a lot. i think petrify had even less uses and is mainly a stepping stone.

    for stand your ground, I like it for the random times that I get caught by heavies in arena when I'm not paying too much attention. in content that I take seriously like act six, I'll never get caught by one so it's mainly a qol-like thing. I love having willpower and don't think salve or perfect block are worth it, so I have em in stand your ground
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    Aright good input thanks. When i had the carbs i was i was eager to open up a mastery but my dumb A... saw the heart and instantly pressed on the purchased button after the info pops up i read "despare" not willpower lol but yea stand your ground for me 1 point has been the most usefull.

    Right now im changing up masteries going with the input im getting from here. So aside from glass canon/greater attack and ranking up what else increases champ attack output since im tweaking my masteries

    Also aside from boosts @Thicco_Mode
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    Aright good input thanks. When i had the carbs i was i was eager to open up a mastery but my dumb A... saw the heart and instantly pressed on the purchased button after the info pops up i read "despare" not willpower lol but yea stand your ground for me 1 point has been the most usefull.

    Right now im changing up masteries going with the input im getting from here. So aside from glass canon/greater attack and ranking up what else increases champ attack output since im tweaking my masteries

    Also aside from boosts @Thicco_Mode

    that'd about it honestly
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    Aright got it done ima run with it i have a few left over since you guys have some i havent purchased yet. So what about class specific other than mistic yall know anything about it? @Thicco_Mode
  • Dr_Z01dbergDr_Z01dberg Member Posts: 512 ★★★

    @Dr_Z01dberg bro almost exact lol yo but again last month my set up included physical resist and energy recist. I see you have points in one. Do you see em helping you out? In all you and @Thicco_Mode both are showing that i should go for willpower asap

    Sorry, sent the wrong picture I actually run physical resistance max now.

    Only reason I run willpower is I’m on biohazzard AQ path which I run with Corvus so it’s free healing which helps but it isn’t necessary tbh

    If your main attackers are Gulk and Venom I would say that it’s not necessary especially as you need 15 points in defence to unlock.

    Who is your main team as you want to try and tailor your mastery set up towards them ideally. Although your at the stage when that can change with 1 pull.

  • Dr_Z01dbergDr_Z01dberg Member Posts: 512 ★★★

    Aright got it done ima run with it i have a few left over since you guys have some i havent purchased yet. So what about class specific other than mistic yall know anything about it? @Thicco_Mode

    All useless apart from mystic bro, don’t waste resources or mastery points on them
  • Dr_Z01dbergDr_Z01dberg Member Posts: 512 ★★★
    Also @ChampkillerBatman go and finish act 4 100% as your missing a mastery point, should have 59 at level 60 but you’ve got 58
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