Looking for 1 active player
TD-32 is a 20 mil ally looking to add 1 player with 8.5I prestige or better to our family. AQ we run 5x5 (some map 4 when real life may prevent a group from clearing a map 5) with master mods and score 200 mil. AW we are a consistent gold 2 and have been for the past 5 seasons without issues.
We are one alliance in a family of 6 so there is opportunity to move up if more 8s wanted or down to something more laid back if real life throws a wrench at you.
Add me on line @ diesel_77 to talk
We are one alliance in a family of 6 so there is opportunity to move up if more 8s wanted or down to something more laid back if real life throws a wrench at you.
Add me on line @ diesel_77 to talk