How can we get a tier 4 class catalyst crystal from glory and what are its requirement i.e.,level

ThantonThanton Member Posts: 142
Hey guys I am at level 36 and I need to upgrade my champions but I can't find the tier4 class catalyst whereas one of my friend who is at level 58 finds tier 4 class catalyst from glory store but I can't find that tier4 class catalyst crystal in my glory store what could be the reason?? Please help.


  • ThantonThanton Member Posts: 142
    Please help
  • Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    Uncollected I believe
  • Rap027Rap027 Member Posts: 88
    ^ He is right, I was in your same boat a couple months ago and couldn't find a good post about it anywhere, but when you go from conqueror to uncollected it changes in the glory store from glory crystal to full t4cc crystals (also they aren't that expensive, the first crystal is 350 glory every time it resets). Hope you have the roster set up to beat the old man! good luck
  • ThantonThanton Member Posts: 142
    Thanks guys
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