Colossus Without Synergies

PalanthraxPalanthrax Member Posts: 918 ★★★★
I know that Colossus is very well regarded now, but is that only with Omega Red synergy? Would he still be classed as a top 3 mutant without any synergies?

I don’t have Omega Red, so I’m trying to work out whether my sig 20 5* is worth 5/65. Does the bulk of his damage come from that synergy?


  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    I only use synergies for him in rol when I'm having fun, and I recently took him up as my second r5 5*. he still packs a huge punch and is still insanely good. Im scared to test him with omega
  • Seant33Seant33 Member Posts: 29
    With Omega he's improved considerably, but not entirely dependent. Soon after the buff I took down ROL winter solider in 200 hits with just a 5* rank 2 Colossus sig level 20 using the Omega synergy. Pretty great for a rank 2. I still use him on my team for exploring act 6.1 and 6.2. His immunities are really great and offer a lot of utility. I'm almost certain most top tier players would consider him a top 3 mutant, and easily a top 25 champ in the game.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    The Synergies just make him Even More Insane, but are not Required for him to be good.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    with full synergies I killed rol ws in like 40 or 50 hits with r4 colossus. it was probably less than two mins
  • Tru100Tru100 Member Posts: 260 ★★
    The hard punch of his damage comes from the passive fury when you parry/heavy. Maybe someone has run the numbers, it’s gotta be one of the biggest attack boost buffs in a champ’s base kit. That along w building armor ups is heart and soul of his damage output.

    Mutant class is stacked, including Magneto in there as well, so top 3 is debatable, situation dependent. But he’s still among top champs in the game and easily r5 worthy, especially awakened. I’d say he goes from a ~top 5 to ~top 10 chap with/without Omega.
  • atharvaapte198atharvaapte198 Member Posts: 19
    I think Colossus without synergies is still pretty okay. I do not have much trouble playing him that way. But as far as possible, team him up with Wolvie to gain the fury buff at the start of the fight. That is pretty cool. It significantly helps wolvie as well as starting the fight with one bar of power is insane!
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    Yeah the Emma synergy is probably more important especially on a duped colossus, the faster you cycle those sp2 the better and once you get into 20+ armours you’re taking very little damage.

    Omega/juggs good to increase damage.

    OML/wolvie great for day to day questing to rattle through low HP fights.

    He’s still a beast as a stand-alone champ but the synergies speed fights up rather than make or break.
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