Colossus Without Synergies

I know that Colossus is very well regarded now, but is that only with Omega Red synergy? Would he still be classed as a top 3 mutant without any synergies?
I don’t have Omega Red, so I’m trying to work out whether my sig 20 5* is worth 5/65. Does the bulk of his damage come from that synergy?
I don’t have Omega Red, so I’m trying to work out whether my sig 20 5* is worth 5/65. Does the bulk of his damage come from that synergy?
Mutant class is stacked, including Magneto in there as well, so top 3 is debatable, situation dependent. But he’s still among top champs in the game and easily r5 worthy, especially awakened. I’d say he goes from a ~top 5 to ~top 10 chap with/without Omega.
Omega/juggs good to increase damage.
OML/wolvie great for day to day questing to rattle through low HP fights.
He’s still a beast as a stand-alone champ but the synergies speed fights up rather than make or break.