Alliance Member to show more information and give more control to officers

1) Show members local time and energy details in Alliance Members view
Often an alliance has players from multiple time zones and we end up waiting for each other in AQ/AW. It would be good for officers to see members with their current time, and how much energy they have or how soon they can get energy.
It would be great if we can see a members local time and time to AQ/AW energy and how much energy they already have.

This will allow members to plan better to minimize waiting times.

2) Better control to officers/Leader in AQ/AW
I would be great if as a leader/officer, I can suggest a path to one of the member. While, member may be allowed to disobey, it would be good to have a standard mechanism. Right now, people use LINE chat for this as a work around. But, allowing officers/leader to assign paths with in the games allows better control.

Eager to see what do you guys think of these suggestion
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