Fire Strike Alts is Recruting!

Hello. Thanks for clicking on this post. If you did, you probably are looking for an alliance. So what does fire strike alts have? We do silver 2 war, barely missed out on silver 1 last season. For aq, map 4 nets us about 2k glory a week. “Well,” you might say, “There are other alliances that are better than you.” And to that I say, “Yes!” Fire Strike Alts is a place for new players to grow, and veterans to unwind if they are tired of stress from the game. Also, we have many experienced and highly skilled players that can give advice on how to clear content, be a good alliance member, and more! If you’re still reading, consider checking out the alliance in game, or add me on line.
Silver 2 war, map 4 aq, line is mandatory.
[FSALT] Fire Strike Alts
IGN: -Mini-Edeuink-
Line: medeuink