Kabam/mod appreciation post

all they hear from us is "fix this!" "add this!" "change this!" and yea, it's got it's flaws BUT we're all so obsessed with the game for a reason, aside from the hiccups it's a great game and I think we should take a second to say thanks.
So, back ot, thank you so much for ruining a great game.
I actually enjoy post 12.0 probably more than pre 12.0. The new AQ season has been great so far. I enjoy using different champs besides SW, BW, and Thor for everything. I love the new arena changes.
The only big downside has been the bugs. Hopefully kabam can get a better handle on the bugs so we don't have so many game breaking issues like we did with the crashing and double dash back.
You were probably flagged because this is a thread thanking Kabam/Mod for the game they created and your post was entirely counterproductive to the topic of the thread and returned to complaining about changes. Pick 90% of the other threads here to do that kind of thing.
Back on topic, I do enjoy the game. A lot! So thank you for making a Marvel game that does scratch the itch of being able to fight with many of the different champs in the Marvel Universe. Looking forward as always to newer champs and appreciate the time everyone puts in to replying to the onslaught of forums posts/threads.
I've been playing for almost a year, and I had a R5 strange and a R5 SW pre 12. So I'm well aware of the changes that occurred, I'm merely stating I'm thankful the game exists and appreciate the time that the team puts into it. There's always going to be bugs, it's the nature of any online multiplayer game that gets updated. If you don't enjoy it, then I encourage you to find another game that makes you happy as this one seems to have left you rather salty.
Why are you still here after all this time? Genuinely curious.