28 Mill, Gold 1, Map 6 oriented alliance looking for you!

Storm's Brew is looking to fill a spot.
We are an AQ oriented alliance running mostly map 6 peaking between 300 and 350 mill each week. That puts us in the top 500 to 600 alliances.
We do run 3 group wars during war season and ended Gold 1 last season.
If your looking for a competitive alliance that gets it done talk to me. We are a group of veteran players that know how to work together to make it happen but also laid back enough to know life happens and when to cover each other.
Get in touch with me if your looking for a place to call home and make new friends. Do need to be able to war in t5 though we do go in and out of that tier and run map 6 five days a week in 2 groups and working to get the 3rd group there.
IGN Rigid
Line Rigid144
We are an AQ oriented alliance running mostly map 6 peaking between 300 and 350 mill each week. That puts us in the top 500 to 600 alliances.
We do run 3 group wars during war season and ended Gold 1 last season.
If your looking for a competitive alliance that gets it done talk to me. We are a group of veteran players that know how to work together to make it happen but also laid back enough to know life happens and when to cover each other.
Get in touch with me if your looking for a place to call home and make new friends. Do need to be able to war in t5 though we do go in and out of that tier and run map 6 five days a week in 2 groups and working to get the 3rd group there.
IGN Rigid
Line Rigid144