Where is the rest of marvel universe???
Jean grey is the most powerful mutant to ever live succumb to the Phoenix . Why has C.O.C. Not honored this fact of reality?? She is no mere mutant, but only under the power of the Phoenix! She was the strongest their is! Where is jubilee? Where is sabertooth? Where is mystique? Where is apocalypse? COC has "unstoppable" juggernaut but not Gladiator Kallark of the SHIAR who nearly killed him barely lifting A finger?? Which is still an impressive feat that would make Thanos quiver. Why is Odins son so mediorgre ? He was given the hammer to protect Asgard if it should fall, I sure can't tell in COC.(sarcastic humor) why does Thors half brother have no strengths at all? The one who dare defy The All Farther and plot his rule over the 9 realms is the biggest joke of the game! Loki should be stronger than mordo! Cmon it's Loki for crying out loud! His ingenious ability with dark magic and science is not reflected in your game. Players should have a devilish grin plastered on their faces when using lokis abilities. His overall brilliance is not reflected in gameplay period!!! Where all fans of marvel but we all should be deeply disappointed in how the gatekeepers developed this character in game. Before I forget , where's the enchantress or zeemos? Where is ODIN? And why does Thor & Ronin have the same sp attack???? More creative ideas pls thanks for putting up with me. Bye