Help the red Cross or....

Found it funny when going through my mail today. Kabam send out a help people out affected by the severe storms or you could spend that money on our 4 and 5* crystal offers. Is it just me or does that seem a bit classless?


  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★
    Darkprayer wrote: »
    Found it funny when going through my mail today. Kabam send out a help people out affected by the severe storms or you could spend that money on our 4 and 5* crystal offers. Is it just me or does that seem a bit classless?

    I don't know about "classless", I mean...they are still a business. Many stores I was at over the weekend were accepting donations and still were running sales and discounts....I don't know how many people are of the mentality of:

    Not considering donating until Kabam's message today
    I was going to donate, but then I saw a deal on 4 and 5 star class crystals....
  • sbb75sbb75 Member Posts: 208
    It is pretty bad. I read the email after seeing the offer. The conversation in my alliance went from debating 5* class to why wouldn't Kabam run a promotion with the proceeds going to the Red Cross.

    The timing of the emails can give the impression that crsytal offer is associated with giving to charity.
    I hope this another case of Kabam having good intentions that got mixed up with poor judgement.
  • project314project314 Member Posts: 67
    Today's offer was today's offer. It was most likely pre-programmed.

    Suggesting that players donate, that says one thing: "Don't wait for us to offer you something in exchange for a donation. You want to donate, go and do it. Follow your moral compass, don't look for a carrot because we're not going to be dangling one in front of you. "
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    Same may say it's classless that you'd only donate because you'd get a 5* out of it and no other reason lol.....

    Not trying to sound high and mighty but if you want to donate then you should do it, irrelevant of what offers Kabam have going on.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    project314 wrote: »
    Today's offer was today's offer. It was most likely pre-programmed.

    Suggesting that players donate, that says one thing: "Don't wait for us to offer you something in exchange for a donation. You want to donate, go and do it. Follow your moral compass, don't look for a carrot because we're not going to be dangling one in front of you. "

    This. Sort of. These Deals are usually planned in advance over the course of the year. The additional Email is acknowledgement that people are in need. Neither is implicative of the other. They are letting people know they are thinking of those in need, and how to help. As for whether they are making a donation themselves, I don't know.
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    Greywarden wrote: »
    Same may say it's classless that you'd only donate because you'd get a 5* out of it and no other reason lol.....

    Not trying to sound high and mighty but if you want to donate then you should do it, irrelevant of what offers Kabam have going on.

    So true. So true.

    A few days ago, someone posted a thread -- now deleted -- asking for free stuff for their alliance mates while they are allegedly recovering from Harvey.

    In that thread, it was stated that instead of asking for free stuff, they should donate to the Red Cross.

    Fast forward to post-Irma.

    We get an in-game email regarding Red Cross donations. In response, the MCOC "community" is asking for 5-star crystal deals or something similar. Funny.

    In the transformer: forged to fight game, we received no such email at this time. Funny that.

    On a related note, when you visit their website, Target is having a baby sale, home sale, and other top deals.

    Above the links to these various sales is a long banner that links to the American Red Cross.

    You see something similar at Walmart, Best Buy, Gamestop, Macy's, Sears (yes, they are still around), K-Mart, Sam's Club, Amazon, etc.

    As a public service, the MCOC community should go to their local stores and tell them that they are "classless" because the community is all about class.

  • SillyCaitlinSillyCaitlin Member Posts: 535
    I still think it would be amazing if Kabam would have a special offer (like today's) where proceeds would go to the Red Cross. They could help raise a lot of money.
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