Alliance war matchmaking suggestion.

Can you please do matchmaking based on alliance average member rating similarity? Ever since the new method cane, about 2 seasons back, all our matches have been biased as hevi. In some, we get empty Battlegroup to fight while in others, we get alliances that are triple our ratings and lose 2 or 3 leagues. Can we make this more fair? I am not asking for easier map as I admit we get empty Battlegroup. I just want both sides to be equal and competitive. Feel free to discuss in comments. For reference. We do 3bg war and our average defenders are rated about 7k while the opponents we get now are rated around 13k
For your issue about players having strong heroes but less rating, it's very rare scenario and only 1 or 2 people are there in alliance. Plus,such people don't have lot of heroes as top ranked,only some. So, either in defense or attack, weak heroes are taken and hence made even.
Atleast the survey we all got today included this issue. I'm sure they are going to get many gripes about the new matchmaking setup. I'm also sure that they will get many peeps votes on it being okay too.
The thing is that yes this is a game..but its also a product created by a business and therefore they won't want to turn their backs on the unhappy customers.
As a business owner myself, trust me on this. The world revolves around currency and they won't risk possibly losing a whole demographic of customers which in turn would more than likely equal a significant loss on profits.
Hopefully a change will be coming soon enough to try and satisfy everyone as best they can. Hang in there broham!