No arena rewars

I am not getting my arena rewards I've had this issue for the last 2 weeks I know they changed it to where your not charged for playing but my rewards have never come meaning arena crystals and gold


  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    I am not getting my arena rewards I've had this issue for the last 2 weeks I know they changed it to where your not charged for playing but my rewards have never come meaning arena crystals and gold
    You just referring to the milestones? Could be in your stash if you didn't claim them
  • Rogue42Rogue42 Member Posts: 1,006 ★★★
    If you keep hitting "next series" the milestone rewards go to your stash.
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    Hmm interesting problem. Need more information to figure out. Otherwise you're not going through your stash or just a bug for your account.
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