Broken champs / new content

SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
edited September 2017 in General Discussion
I have a great idea for you ladies and gents at kabam.

Every month you throw out two new champs, half of which are mediocre and of little interest once we fiind out what they're really made of.

Here's what you should do. Go ahead. Throw kingpin out there, sweet, kingpin! But instead of medusa how about... black bolt(or insert hulkbusters, colossus, whoever!) But a revamped black bolt. Fix him!

Those that already have him now have a turned around revived from the grave champ. Those that don't are super interested and wanna give this new champ a chance

You keep making the pool of useful champs smaller and smaller. Electro was a good option now what will we use him for that defenders are useless? Juggies, UCs. You've made champs that were terrible attackers but decent defenders terrible for anything now. You've successfully made us want to obtain even a smaller pool of champs than we already did!!

Cmon guys. You gotta be better than this!
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