Hey Kabam got a question

I have a question about the future buffs. As it said you’ll be buffing at least 2 a month or maybe 1. but you also mentioned that some nerfs will happen in order to balance the pool. When you say nerf do you mean like reducing damage output of some champs or completely changing ghost or quake to be just average. I just really don’t want my quake to be poopy.
"Nerfs will occasionally be necessary". They aren't talking about Quake. They've had all this time to do things to Quake and Ghost and it hasn't happened yet. They are referring to future champs or things like Guardian/Domino type situations. Not outright nerfing a champ to nerfing them.
For instance, how they nerf she-hulk, Morningstar, BWCV due to their amazing interactions versus the Champion in 6.2.6